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Is all this noise normal for my problem?

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This is my fault. I didn't tighten down all the lugnuts when I got the car, so they came loose and the wheel dulled the stud threads. In order to put on the new studs I took off the brake drum. I didn't get that on tight enough and there was no cotter pin to hold it in so it came loose. Drove on the freeway with a wobbly wheel and totally stripped all the spline grooves out of the hub, looks like a 2WD hub now very smooth. (splines on the spindle are fine though) I still need to drive until my new hubs arrive and I re-tighten the hub nut often since it comes loose just from driving. Anyway when I'm driving it makes loud clunking noises, especially in reverse, braking makes it worse. Am I going to have to change more than the hub? Nothing else looks worn out or broken.


And somewhat related, what tool/size do I use to get the plugs out of the rear diff so I can make sure it's full? That being dry would make noise too.

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