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Car Died - Code 4???? SOLVED!!!

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I'm in San Diego for yet another gig. driving back to my guitarists house after the show, Murphy, the $500 87 T-Wag just died. No noise. The belts are OK (no covers installed TG), and I have spark. Checked the ECU. It blinks four times @.3 sec intervals. Anyone seen this. I have to get home to Fresno in the near future. Someone help me!!!!!:-\

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Oh, I forgot to add a detail. Went out this morning to diagnose. Found one of the injectors was leaking some gas and thought maybe the fuel pressure drop could be problem. It couldn't be that easy. Turns out the fuel hose clamp was loose and I tightend it - leak fixed. Car not so much. But at least I know I' getting gas. What I can't tell is if the injectors are firing. I'm leaning toward a faulty ECU, due to wierd code.

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Oh, I forgot to add a detail. Went out this morning to diagnose. Found one of the injectors was leaking some gas and thought maybe the fuel pressure drop could be problem. It couldn't be that easy. Turns out the fuel hose clamp was loose and I tightend it - leak fixed. Car not so much. But at least I know I' getting gas. What I can't tell is if the injectors are firing. I'm leaning toward a faulty ECU, due to wierd code.


Code 4 is anb identification code for the ECU and Car.

1-4 means MPFI:

1 = MT, 49 state

2= MT, Cali

3= AT, 49 state

4= AT,Cali


5-8 means SPFI in the same order.


4 means you have an MPFI, Auto, California car. The fact that you are getting this and not a trouble code means the ECU does not see a problem in u-check at least. Do you know how to run read and D-check modes? ECUs seldom Fail. Rule out everything else twice before you replace one.

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I'm in San Diego for yet another gig. driving back to my guitarists house after the show, Murphy, the $500 87 T-Wag just died. No noise. The belts are OK (no covers installed TG), and I have spark. Checked the ECU. It blinks four times @.3 sec intervals. Anyone seen this. I have to get home to Fresno in the near future. Someone help me!!!!!:-\


Take off the disty cap and see if the rotor is still screwed to the top of disty shaft. I had excactly the same problem. 86 turbo, just died, like T-belts. But the belts where fine, and spark was present. But the timing was literally random so it would not catch, except very momentarily. Drove me nuts for weeks, I was thinking ecu as well after ruling out MAF/TPS/CTS/AAV/Fuel pump/ fuel pressure reg/ everything:dead: . It wasn't till I actually tried to move the rotor on the disty shaft I figured it out, cause if you just pull the cap and crank it rotor spins. Gotta actually touch it to know.

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Take off the disty cap and see if the rotor is still screwed to the top of disty shaft. I had excactly the same problem. 86 turbo, just died, like T-belts. But the belts where fine, and spark was present. But the timing was literally random so it would not catch, except very momentarily. Drove me nuts for weeks, I was thinking ecu as well after ruling out MAF/TPS/CTS/AAV/Fuel pump/ fuel pressure reg/ everything:dead: . It wasn't till I actually tried to move the rotor on the disty shaft I figured it out, cause if you just pull the cap and crank it rotor spins. Gotta actually touch it to know.


Yep! That was it!!! Apparently Code 4 means check the distributor stupid.


Sometime during the day, though still in a tired daze from all the rocking and rolling we did last night I'll post some video soon), I had an epiphany. I had checked for spark going to the plugs, but I never confirmed that the spark was occuring at the right time. At that moment I had a flashback to myself thinking what a horrible design that was, having a little screw hold the rotor in place. Sucks to remove. I unscrewed the disty cap, and voala, there was the screw sitting at the base of the shaft.

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I've had this happen many times now, in three different cars... :mad:


After the last one, I discovered that a disty from an 87 SPFI DID have a key on the shaft, as I had also come across keyed rotors at the auto parts place.


As it turns out, it's easy to swap the top nub that the rotor mounts to. So now I'll never have that problem again :banana: (in that car at least :rolleyes: )



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I forgot to mention that the breakdown was at about 1:30 in the morning. Had to call AAA for a tow. I was only about 1 + mile from my guitarists house, but I had all my band equipment in the car, so I couldn't leave the car and walk home. If I wasn't so exhausted after the gig, I might have thought to check the disty. Of coarse it would have helped if I would have had smoe tools and a flashlight in the car. This is something everyone should carry with them. With all the little cubby holes and the large storage area in the rear, it's not as if there's no place to put it. I thought about bringing my tools with me before I left Fresno on Friday, but, for some silly reason, I chose not to this time. I, of all people, should know better.

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