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Head gasket problems/reliability of '99 2.2L?

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I am seriously considering a purchase of a 1999 SUBARU IMPREZA OUTBACK SPT AWD that has a 2.2L H4 FI engine. I am concerned because of all of head gasket problems with the Phase I 2.5L that I've been reading about.


Does anyone know whether this vehicle is reliable? Does it suffer from the same head gasket problems that the 2.5L engines do?


Thank you in advance for any insight.

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in a word, no it does not.




Rock solid. As long as you keep up on timing belts, it being an interference engine won't matter (and it's worth it to get that little bit of extra torque, HP and fuel economy over the old EJ22).


The only problem I've seen on more than one late-model 2.2 has to do with the "new" style timing belt tensioner (a big chunky vertical-pressing thing, rather than the old horizontal cylinder design). These seem to go out on 2.5s a lot too, and can sound like piston slap from outside the car.

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this motor doesn't have headgasket issues. but you want to be aware of anything abnormal. high miles, skethcy looking radiators, new hoses and clamps may suggest a car that has been run hot and that's not good on headgaskets. that's just something to look out and look under the oil cap for signs of milkshakes stuff, and the overflow tank for signs of oil. but in general, no this engine is solid.

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