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engine won't start just backfires subaru loyale

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Hi does anyone know the the correct firing order for a subaru loyale ea85 engine and can someone tell me the correct firing order for the distributor cap? I have a chance to pick up a subaru loyale wagon. I do not know what year. Also what could cause the engine to back fire and not start? I am hoping it is simple.

Thanx Lee

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You have an ea82. Try posting this on the "Old Gen" forum. As always, mileage, year, and model will help everyone to better answer your question. Not trying to offend you. Just a friendly reminder. Oh... And welcome to the Board.

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So I take it you're trying to pick up a non-running car for cheap and fix. My best guess would be that the timing is waaaaay off. Maybe someone messed up the t-belts.


I don't know much about ea82's though. Like I said, post this on the "Older Generation of Subarus" forum (link below). The experts on your car are over there. They should be able to help.



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