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'01 Forester with 90K miles, non-turbo.


Had drivability issues about 6 months ago, with no codes, finally got around to changing the front O2 sensor (thanks to several posts here) and that immediately solved the problem. :)


CEL now on and throwing P0136 (rear O2 sensor?) codes. Have reset codes several times and it comes back within 2 days. No other codes (like P0420) present.


No drivability issues, no change in mileage, in fact she's running as good as she ever did.


Thoughts on this ?? :confused: I'm thinking rear O2 sensor, except I have seen very few posts from others. I'm hoping its not the cat converter.


Thanks in advance.


- Joe

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Ive been there have the same code. The code your seeing is for the o2 sensor that checks the operation of the cat. It wont affect car performance, but it will need to be replaced before your next inspection. Also it will mask any other condition that throws a CEL.

This sensor can be generic.




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Ive been there have the same code. The code your seeing is for the o2 sensor that checks the operation of the cat. It wont affect car performance, but it will need to be replaced before your next inspection. Also it will mask any other condition that throws a CEL.

This sensor can be generic.






Thanks Nipper. that was the answer I was hoping for. :)


You've helped me many times.


- Joe

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Thanks Nipper. that was the answer I was hoping for. :)


You've helped me many times.


- Joe


heheh good. Find a 2 for one sale on these and get me one too :-p



i have the same thing.



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just checked several places online - the correct model for me is a Bosch 13469 (4-wire heated). It goes for $90-$107 at various places. A generic is a 3-wire "universal" for $55-$70.


Interestingly, the Bosch front sensor, a 5-wire, wideband heated model can be purchased for $72 !!


Go figure. I think I'll stick with the Bosch 4-wire, but think I will remove the existing first and make sure its a 4-wire model.


Thanks again. - Joe

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  • 3 years later...

Thanks for the info on this post. It may be a few years old, but it was just what I needed. Getting a P0136 code on my 02 Forester, 71K miles. Now see that I probably need a new rear oxygen sensor, Bosch 13469. Current price $81 on Amazon.

Grateful to you!

Edited by Lnoack
correct price
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