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Did a search of Copper Head Gaskets

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found this old thread:


"subject in this folder" was -->copper head gasket info from old USMB




and because if this situation we are stopped at with the Lil Red wagon of Okamiichiban's. We are hoping to find out before the end of this weekend if they are still availible - first off and 2nd, can we afford getting two sets or just one set.


AND how long the wait would be for recieving them.

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I have no idea if they are available, between Skip and myself, we gave the guy all the info and data needed to make copper gaskets for an EA82T, I do not know of anyone who ordered them from him. If you cantact him and he ask for a set up fee, remind him that has already been done.


Here is his web site, [email=http://www.headgasket.com/]http://www.headgasket.com/[/email]

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