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trans vacuum line question

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so on my ea82t wag, my vacuum line that goesto the 3at trans apparently leaks atf into my intake manifold, which really ticks me off, so i unhooked it and capped it off. the port on the manifold is where I hooked up my boost guage, with a "T" originally, but then i noticed the atf and took out the t and ran the guage line straight to the manifold, and capped the trans line. I dont have 3rd or reverse before this anyway, so i figured what the hey. before i unhooked the line, whenever i got stuck or idled for a while it would sputter and stumble and smoke like crazy when i got back on the throttle. after i unhooked it,this no longer happens. luckily i have a 3.9 dr 5sp to go in this (or next, more likely) weekend.... so anyway, has anyone seen anything like this before? also how do you change the boost? mine hits 7psi at about 2800, and stays there till about 4500, where it pushes its way to about 13-15psi. is this normal? can it be ajusted without any mods or upgrades? thankx.

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umm it means replace the transmission vacuum modulator, its pretty important to the transmission and its shifting. THere less than 20$ and you will damage the transmission not having it hooked up, it will bang into gear and cause alot of wear along with erratic shifts and no shifting. and the boost sounds normal up to when u say it suddenly spikes, that sounds like ur wastegate isnt working correctly, i have a spare

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  • 3 weeks later...
umm it means replace the transmission vacuum modulator, its pretty important to the transmission and its shifting. THere less than 20$ and you will damage the transmission not having it hooked up, it will bang into gear and cause alot of wear along with erratic shifts and no shifting. and the boost sounds normal up to when u say it suddenly spikes, that sounds like ur wastegate isnt working correctly, i have a spare

Isn't it funny how after market hi perf. tranny part suppliers will tell you that

"automatics only really wear during shift" so their kit is saving your tranny by making it bang into gears!!!

This ploy works great they get to charge way over stock prices, and get it!!

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The symptoms you describe a very typical of a worn out vacuum modulator. The rubber diaphragm in it is broken allowing your engine to suck in ATF through it. Replacement of the modulator or the trans (with the 5spd D/R :brow: ) are the only solutions.


Your transmission won't get hurt any more than it already is with that vacuum line gone, since the engine can't pull a vacuum on the modulator anyways.

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