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disty rebuild?

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so i think its time to rebuild my disty. my tach is jumping any were from 500 to 2k or more and there is major play in the rotor like 8th of an inch or so and the new cap has some deep scrach marks on the pickups for the rotor hiting them. is there any thing else that would cause my tach to jump like that? is my disty going to crap out on me at any time? how diffcult is it to rebuild a disty? i have a spare but its needs to be rebuilt to.

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Yes it is a bushing you can replace or at least an auto electrics place can. You can either take the dizzy whole and get them to clean it, check mechanical advance and check out vacuum advance, rebush and bench test. (prob cost 80 - 100 dollars). Or pull it apart yourself and clean up and unseize mech advance, check vacumm advance (hose, suck and see if it holds vacuum) yourself, clean up and take shaft into auto electrics for rebushing (bushes cost $3 retail) probably about $20 for them to do. I have done this a couple of times now, go to a number of places till you find one who will do it cheap (ie some told me the BS line that they dont rebush incase something else breaks later, what bollocks, check it yourself, rebushed it will last for ages, till it needs rebushing again):)

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Yes it is a bushing you can replace or at least an auto electrics place can. You can either take the dizzy whole and get them to clean it, check mechanical advance and check out vacuum advance, rebush and bench test. (prob cost 80 - 100 dollars). Or pull it apart yourself and clean up and unseize mech advance, check vacumm advance (hose, suck and see if it holds vacuum) yourself, clean up and take shaft into auto electrics for rebushing (bushes cost $3 retail) probably about $20 for them to do. I have done this a couple of times now, go to a number of places till you find one who will do it cheap (ie some told me the BS line that they dont rebush incase something else breaks later, what bollocks, check it yourself, rebushed it will last for ages, till it needs rebushing again):)


Yeah, that, or get a J.Y. one like I did for 10 bucks I think.

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