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Its That Time Again..CT Cookout

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Just tossing up the idea for one of my usual CT Subaru Cookouts..but this time with the possibility of a twist...Maybe in April??? but before Carlisle.. Anyway..Melis gave me the idea...of doing it but maybe involving doing Buckys brake system in the process.. I have the booster and master and if I can find the parts cheap enough to do the rear disk swap....Since Tommy is cluelss and I lost my car friend due to him having other issues...I could really use some wrenching help ..badly...I would supply all the food...

Anyway..if you guys think its a probability...toss around some dates? If I am outta my stinking mind y'all can tell me that too:grin:

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Will surely try my best.


Supposed to start a new job,crazy hours....much going on,way behind on my own repairs to the extent of possibly hiring Charlie D. to take care of the wife's car.:-\


Also trying to get in the Pine Barrens run.


Gas prices going UP UP UP....so please don't get upset if I do have to limit my Subaru activities.After today's weather (my birthday!!) it sure feels like a great time for a cookout.:clap:


Keep the post bumpin' !!

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How long woud it take form Central NJ to New Milford?


I'm up for it.... i carry tons of tools with me


I am about 25 minutes north of Danbury CT..or about 2 hours north of NYC..I can be at Harrys U Pull it in about 3 1/2 hours...and Bridgeport CT in alittle over an hour...dont know if that helps ya any ..LOL

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Connie,sweety,honey pie....;) Do what you want,but maybe you can please please please consider holding off and dumping your effort into the Carlisle gig.....just a thought.


With gas prices and time,well you know the deal.


Luc is begging me to go to Pine Barrens especially now that he's seen the wicked freakin cool videos!!!:headbang: To do all three-your place,PB,and Carlisle within a months time would be tough on the budget.


Maybe a mid-summer gig at your place?


If you do have a get together I'll do my best to try to make it.But with Little League,etc.etc....going to be tough.











And a message to the few friends I have left here....:lol: I love my new job!!! Looks like I finally stepped in the right poop.:)

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Paulyburger...it looks like there is no interest anyway..so this is axed...I just really need some help with the brake work on Bucky..and basically if I cant get some soon he is going to have to go away. Thought that the only way it seems I can get any wrenching help it to provide food and drink. Oh well..and I still dont trust Rocky enough and he is no where close to being ready for carlisle...plus he is supposed to go to the dragon..


Anyway..we talked the other day..I know how you feel you know how I feel

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Im game for some saturday in april. I heard BEER and FOOD and most importantly WRENCHING and was all over this. Let me know what dates work for you and ill tell you what works for me. Easter weekend is out obviously but others after that should work. I have a car show to attend at my college but its april 15th (sunday) so it shouldnt pose a problem.

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