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releasing cluth, 91 legacy gets jerky

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I'm looking at buying a 91 legacy with 220000 miles from a friend. While test driving it I noticed when I would shift it up or down in to gear at a certain time just before engaging and disengaging the car tends to jerk. YOu can hold it right in place and the car just "surges". My friend has kept a great maintanence log and the clutch was replaced around 60000 miles ago or less. Could the clutch cable just need to be adjusted? The cluth doesn't seem to slip. Any help would be greatly appreciated, she is going to vacation tomorrow and I would like to buy before she leaves. THanks prior.


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Probably glazed over from slipping the clutch too much to get going. I had the same shimmy and jumping in my old ford truck when I bought it. I backed it up to a tree, a solid wall works too, and put it in reverse, eased out the clutch, pressed the throttle and held it at the point before the tires spun to slip the clutch under a load. Do it for a 5-10 seconds then push the clutch pedal in for 5-10 seconds then repeat. That helps to keep it cool.

But it may just be the cable needs to be tightened a tad too, try that first.

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