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Originally posted by SYNBAD

Hi . I have a 94 TT leggy wagon and would to have the Twin Turbo Fuse diagram in English since mine is in jap . and dont mean shizz to me.hehe cheers


Got a digital camera?


If so photograph the fuse boxes (both the underhood and underdash ones) and post the pictures of them. A reader might understand the Japanese or it might be possible to translate using AltaVista's Babelfish web translation service (by translating english fuse names to Japanese and seeing if they match the Japanese text in the photos). This forum has a 51,200 byte file attachment limit, so you could email them to my email (up to 512KB per email) and I will post them on a web site and link this post to them, or you could do that yourself.


To get my email address, use the email button on this reply to send a short message to me which will give me your address, I will then reply and when I do you will know my proper email address. I do not post my email addresses (even though they are faked (like my user id)) because I hate spam, and when I start to get to much spam I will become alias20036 or something like that.


I was under the impression that the fuse boxes were all labelled in English on Japanese cars? I have disassembled Japanese WRX's shipped to Canada for parts (engine, tranny, etc) and I seem to recall that every label at least included English on it.


Odds are that the fuse locations are the same or very similar on all Subaru's of your model and type. Are there any native NZ twin turbo Legacy's that you can check out?


If you don't have a digital camera, how 'bout flying me down with mine, its like -19 c where I am in Canada right now!!

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Originally posted by Legacy777

granted this is for a 90 legacy non turbo....


but you may be able to match some of the locations and fuse ratings.






Dude... Thanks for that . it sure did match up , well most of it which is all good for me. cheers

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Were the TT Legacy's available in NZ aside from Jap imports? I think the answer is yes, but you could confirm.


If so you should either order a manual from you local dealer, or better yet try to locate one from a wrecked TT in a scrap yard. I am sure "just a few" TT's have been wrecked.....


In addition to fuse spec, it would give you most of the of the information for basic maintainance of the vehicle and its service schedule.

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