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subie just proved to me what it can do in the snow


i was driving around playing in the snow tonight. close to a foot. i see my step-dads ford f-250 stuck half way up the alley behind our house. he backed down and gave it another try and made it 1/3 of the way up. i tried the soob and went up it 3 times with little effort. you have no idea how good this makes me feel.:banana:

the general grabber at2's work great on it.:clap::headbang:

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well well i just got home from work its 1:20 in the morning i left work at 11:30 and its only 30 miles away, reason it took me 2 hours to get here is that i had to rsecue a idiot with a jeep Cherokee off a ditch!! yes my lil impreza was able to rescue and pull that jeep out of the ditch, i was laughing soo much the guy gave me a dirty looks because i couldnt stop laughing... he was impressed with my little ride, I was too!!!@


well close home i stopped by a wawa gas station and what i see... a geo prizm stuck on a snow pile lol, well i gave the lady a little push... :Flame:


i had fun tonight i'm glad it snowed this much...


hey pamike how is that lift treating oyu on the snow?



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