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Open T-belts...


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cause trouble when you're busting through plowed snowbanks. I had been meaning to put a spare compressed tensioner with a pin in for just such an occasion, but I hadn't gotten around to it. It ended up screwing up my saturday afternoon.


In NewHampshire, there are lots of Class 6 roads, which are public right of ways, and unmaintained. You can drive pretty much anything down them at any time and it's legal. I use lots of them for my offroading expeditions. People often plow the snow from their driveways or the town just stops plowing the real road when it turns Class 6, so there is always big snow piles at the ends of the roads that you have to bust through. I've been busting though these piles all winter, and untill now, I got lucky each time. This time, enough hard chunks got in to the t-belt that it skipped a bunch of teeth. The drivers side cam was off like 90 degrees, so the cam sensor and timing was way off, and the engine quit running. This is where things started to suck.


Where the car died is at the corner of a new development, put in last spring. They had paved a 50 foot section of the class 6, and t'd a driveway off of it. I was all the way on the left side of the road, and the homeowner had plenty of space to pull into their driveway. I figured I could tear the car apart, get the timing straight, and drive it home fine. What I didn't count on was the woman who lived in the house off to the side being an A1 arsehole. The first tip I got was the burnout she did as she passed my car and pulled into her driveway. She threw her bag in the house and proceded to yell at me from her side door, telling me to get that "piece of sh*t out of her driveway" I told her I was working on it, and she said "I can't hear you, what, cant hear you!", so I walked over to her and told her that I was fixing it. I also explained that it was a public road and not her driveway. She told me that it had to be out before dark, I assured her it would be, and then she told me her husband would be home in three hours "to deal with me", then slammed the door in my face.


I went back to work on the car, got the T-belt off, and worked on getting the timing marks lined up. She starts yelling at me from the door again, so I go over and talk with her some more. I have to put up with "you must be retaaded to think that that caa would make it over that, even a fkn 4wheel drive pickup couldn't make it over that" "Are you fkn stupid? You should stay to the paved roads." "that road is shtty, no one should drive down it, all the roads around here suck" "I just came up from massachussets, and we have the sense to stay on real roads." "you're a fkn moron for even trying to drive over that."


It didn't matter what I said to her, it was like I hadn't said anything. She was a broken record of spiteful, mean, and arrogant BS. What was worse was the phone she kept waving around. When she was in the house, I could hear her yelling at her husband (poor guy) over the phone, and I was worried that she would call the cops. The cops couldn't ticket me for anything, but they could force me to call a tow truck ($$$$$ I don't have), so I had to be polite to her. I have never wanted to tell someone to fkoff more in my life, and had to smile and be polite instead.


I explained that yelling at me wasn't going to get the car fixed any faster, so she slammed the door again, and I got back to work on the car.


No matter what combo of vice grips, pliars, and scissor jacks I used, I couldn't compress that tensioner. I tried putting the belt on and then turning the engine by hand to force the belt onto a pully, I tried different combo's of removed idler pullies, nothing worked. So I called a friend in for a tow. He said he'd be over in 15 miniutes. Not more than a miniute after I called, the lady comes back out of the house. It's nowhere near dark, but she feels the need to yell at me telling me that POS has to be out of my sight by dark, it can't stay overnight. I told her that I had just called a friend for a tow, and they would be here in 15 minuites. She repeats that the car can't stay overnight, and that she's calling a tow truck. I told her, look, I just called my friends and there coming to tow me, don't worry about it. She gives me a blank stare, and repeats that my POS car can't stay there. again and again. I just walked back to my car and waited.


10 miniutes later, my friend shows up in his truck. I quietly explain the sitch to him, and we hook up the tow strap. He doesn't dare tow me home down the state highway (he's got some BAD stuff on his liscence), but he will tow me over the hill and to a safe house. We tow the car over, and I grab the tensioner and he takes me home. Him and another friend just about die laughing as I vent about the lady. I get home, eat dinner, compress and pin the tensioner, and head back in my mom's car. It's starting to get dim by now. I get everthing toghther, and try to start the car. No go. It's dark, I can't figure it out, so I head home, and me and my mom tow my car home on the backroads.


I figured out what was wrong this morning, I had an extra paint mark on one of the cam pullies that I accidently used as a timing mark, so the cam was way off. Got it back straight, and it runs as good as it did before.


I don't know if she was drunk, insane or just a bizch, but man that lady ruined my afternoon. Any normal person would have said it was fine to leave it there and get parts, it's at the end of a dead end street and out of the way, have a nice day.


Sorry for the length, but it's just a story of how a wheeling trip can go bad worst case.

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I hate people like that. It would have been priceless if you could have gotten the car going, when where she said you "couldn't go". Came back with a fresh cold coca cola. And knocked on her door, handed her the drink... (said with a big sh*t eating grin)"Here Ma'am, Have a coke and a smile and shut the F UP".

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i bet she has no kids and her husband beats her!


I hope she has no kids, and I think it might be the other way around with the spouse abuse... She was yelling at her husband over the phone, and I could hear it outside and away from the house.


Mabe she doesn't understand the state motto "live free or die"?

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Sorry to laugh at your expense; but that smackdown she laid on you had me on the floor!!!!


She definately needs to be put in her place....but how????


I like the mud idea; maybe you and you friends can muddy up her driveway. Do you have a friend that can plow some snow in front of her drive during the night?


There has to be something:Flame:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I skipped timing again. This time it was only 6 inches of heavy slush, enough got up in under the hood while I was bombing through that if packed between the engine and radiator. T-belt jumped about 6-7 teeth on the passenger side cam. No power, and hardly any manifold vacuum at idle.


Covers are going on the next motor.

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Sorry to laugh at your expense; but that smackdown she laid on you had me on the floor!!!!


She definately needs to be put in her place....but how????


I like the mud idea; maybe you and you friends can muddy up her driveway. Do you have a friend that can plow some snow in front of her drive during the night?


There has to be something:Flame:


I have to agree with RAugur. Thats the best laugh I've had in a while. Sorry it was at your expense:-p But you told a good story.

And why wait on the covers?

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northeast and attitude, nooooo?? come on???? are you sure????


Go fkk yourself, you mid-atlantic coaster.



I kidd, I kidd. It's only the masholes that nobody likes.


The covers were broken to pices on this engine, and i'd have to take of the crank and cam pullies and the belt to put a replacement set on, and this engine is almost done.

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Wow, what a B______ . I feel sorry for her husband. I've never even seen a cop that grumpy when I've broken down -- "It'll be out of here by tonight". "Fine. We just don't want it blocking traffic tomorrow morning"


The fact that she had the road paved up to her driveway should have been the first sign... people who live on paved roads -- because they had it paved themselves -- tend to not be ones you want anything to do with. Citifying the country, instead of getting a $200 subaru. I bet tracking mud all over the paved part would really get her goat.


That's why I'm switching to an EA81 for my offroader. I had timing belt covers on my EA82 untill recently (had to break them off to do a roadside change of the timing belt when the idler pulley siezed -- all the little bolts were stripped), and I am ALWAYS bashing through snowbanks -- ask me how many times I've gotten high centered this winter.... :lol::lol:

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cause trouble when you're busting through plowed snowbanks. I had been meaning to put a spare compressed tensioner with a pin in for just such an occasion, but I hadn't gotten around to it. It ended up screwing up my saturday afternoon.


In NewHampshire, there are lots of Class 6 roads, which are public right of ways, and unmaintained. You can drive pretty much anything down them at any time and it's legal. I use lots of them for my offroading expeditions. People often plow the snow from their driveways or the town just stops plowing the real road when it turns Class 6, so there is always big snow piles at the ends of the roads that you have to bust through. I've been busting though these piles all winter, and untill now, I got lucky each time. This time, enough hard chunks got in to the t-belt that it skipped a bunch of teeth. The drivers side cam was off like 90 degrees, so the cam sensor and timing was way off, and the engine quit running. This is where things started to suck.


Where the car died is at the corner of a new development, put in last spring. They had paved a 50 foot section of the class 6, and t'd a driveway off of it. I was all the way on the left side of the road, and the homeowner had plenty of space to pull into their driveway. I figured I could tear the car apart, get the timing straight, and drive it home fine. What I didn't count on was the woman who lived in the house off to the side being an A1 arsehole. The first tip I got was the burnout she did as she passed my car and pulled into her driveway. She threw her bag in the house and proceded to yell at me from her side door, telling me to get that "piece of sh*t out of her driveway" I told her I was working on it, and she said "I can't hear you, what, cant hear you!", so I walked over to her and told her that I was fixing it. I also explained that it was a public road and not her driveway. She told me that it had to be out before dark, I assured her it would be, and then she told me her husband would be home in three hours "to deal with me", then slammed the door in my face.


I went back to work on the car, got the T-belt off, and worked on getting the timing marks lined up. She starts yelling at me from the door again, so I go over and talk with her some more. I have to put up with "you must be retaaded to think that that caa would make it over that, even a fkn 4wheel drive pickup couldn't make it over that" "Are you fkn stupid? You should stay to the paved roads." "that road is shtty, no one should drive down it, all the roads around here suck" "I just came up from massachussets, and we have the sense to stay on real roads." "you're a fkn moron for even trying to drive over that."


It didn't matter what I said to her, it was like I hadn't said anything. She was a broken record of spiteful, mean, and arrogant BS. What was worse was the phone she kept waving around. When she was in the house, I could hear her yelling at her husband (poor guy) over the phone, and I was worried that she would call the cops. The cops couldn't ticket me for anything, but they could force me to call a tow truck ($$$$$ I don't have), so I had to be polite to her. I have never wanted to tell someone to fkoff more in my life, and had to smile and be polite instead.


I explained that yelling at me wasn't going to get the car fixed any faster, so she slammed the door again, and I got back to work on the car.


No matter what combo of vice grips, pliars, and scissor jacks I used, I couldn't compress that tensioner. I tried putting the belt on and then turning the engine by hand to force the belt onto a pully, I tried different combo's of removed idler pullies, nothing worked. So I called a friend in for a tow. He said he'd be over in 15 miniutes. Not more than a miniute after I called, the lady comes back out of the house. It's nowhere near dark, but she feels the need to yell at me telling me that POS has to be out of my sight by dark, it can't stay overnight. I told her that I had just called a friend for a tow, and they would be here in 15 minuites. She repeats that the car can't stay overnight, and that she's calling a tow truck. I told her, look, I just called my friends and there coming to tow me, don't worry about it. She gives me a blank stare, and repeats that my POS car can't stay there. again and again. I just walked back to my car and waited.


10 miniutes later, my friend shows up in his truck. I quietly explain the sitch to him, and we hook up the tow strap. He doesn't dare tow me home down the state highway (he's got some BAD stuff on his liscence), but he will tow me over the hill and to a safe house. We tow the car over, and I grab the tensioner and he takes me home. Him and another friend just about die laughing as I vent about the lady. I get home, eat dinner, compress and pin the tensioner, and head back in my mom's car. It's starting to get dim by now. I get everthing toghther, and try to start the car. No go. It's dark, I can't figure it out, so I head home, and me and my mom tow my car home on the backroads.


I figured out what was wrong this morning, I had an extra paint mark on one of the cam pullies that I accidently used as a timing mark, so the cam was way off. Got it back straight, and it runs as good as it did before.


I don't know if she was drunk, insane or just a bizch, but man that lady ruined my afternoon. Any normal person would have said it was fine to leave it there and get parts, it's at the end of a dead end street and out of the way, have a nice day.


Sorry for the length, but it's just a story of how a wheeling trip can go bad worst case.

Too bad you could'nt find an ugly old truck or something and set it upside down on her precious driveway!

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uhg... freaking m*********************s... i like how she didn't understand how you said your friend was comign to help you tow it... smart gal' there.

oh well... never let me turn into that... although i will be living in MA for a year or so :-\

does it really get to people that fast? :-p

i'll have to keep my NH residence in check while i live there... :rolleyes:

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