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  johnceggleston said:
speaking of power antennas, what's the recommended lubricant for one?


Synthetic power antenna lubricant, right next to the blinker fluid.


WD40 would work. I think its more of an issue of cleaning the dirt off the mast as well as lubricating it. I would avoid any lubricant with any body too it, as it would capture dirt and can stain clothes.



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On mny last Mercedes I just used a cheap auto parts store one. It took a bit of adapting but lasted as long as the stock one and was still going when I sold it. I suppose you have to make sure it was similar to the stock one.

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Nipper, if the sound is the only problem just run it to the top even if you have to use your hand to help it get there, then remove the cover on the inside of back area and unplug the elc. connector at the base of antenna and you will have an antenna like everyone had forty years ago. If you go through a auto wash you can still push it down by hand. Of course if you want to fix it try the junk yard dog search for a junk yard antenna.

  nipper said:


A not so nice sound.


I need a new power antenna mast for Blu (97 OBW). Where can i get one?



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hehehe you dont know me very well.


i have made peace with the fact after 200,000 miles the drivers seat back heater died.

The power antenna on the other hand, it needs to work. It has to work. It will work ..... cause , well, gee, i like it :)



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I unpluged mine at around 100,000 miles and it worked fine until I had way over 300,000 miles on it, with no noise at all. Now it has finnaly been broke from hitting to much brush and limbs but the same outcome would have happened if it was going up and down, because the only time it was down was when it was sitting. If you find a good deal on new ones let me know because I need one also.

  nipper said:
hehehe you dont know me very well.


i have made peace with the fact after 200,000 miles the drivers seat back heater died.

The power antenna on the other hand, it needs to work. It has to work. It will work ..... cause , well, gee, i like it :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nipper, I still need one, did you buy yours new? or out of the junk yard? If you bought it new I would like the details if you have time.

  nipper said:
Ok i got a new mast. Is there anything i need to know before i attack this repair?



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  Hotshot said:
Can't wait to hear how this turns out. Mine makes a helluva lot of noise, but it works.


Mine only goes up ont extension and goes GGGRRRRGGGGRRRGGGRR



so surgery once i get over this cold.



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If you are not as picky as nipper, the solution in post # 6 of this thread worked for years for me, however now the mask it self is broke so I need a new one also.

  Hotshot said:
Can't wait to hear how this turns out. Mine makes a helluva lot of noise, but it works.
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  tcspeer said:
If you are not as picky as nipper, the solution in post # 6 of this thread worked for years for me, however now the mask it self is broke so I need a new one also.






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  tcspeer said:
We are not as picky here, I seen alot of antenna's with bailing wire for a mast growing up, but I have no place to hook the wire on the Subaru.


What your too good and fancy for a coat hanger?







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Yes I have seen coat hangers used also, but that is mostly by the rich, the rest of us use bailing wire. Dont forget to give us insights on replacing that antenna, Iam sure it would be a easy job the second time we have to do it.

  nipper said:
What your too good and fancy for a coat hanger?







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Thanks, I am just kidding with nipper for not taking advanage of my suggestion in post # 6. It seems like the cars you and I grew up were better designed for make shift antenna's, maybe nipper is much younger then us and dont appreciate a good make shift antenna.

  Olnick said:
Great line, tc! That is truly funny.
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yup, rolled into the carwash and forgot the radio was on, :mad: sucked my antenna right off at the base. i was planning on putting in a switch so it would stay down because i'm using XM radio and don't need it. well got the whole unit new in the box, just got to figure out how to get in there to replace it, and install the switch at the same time.

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  Rodney7286 said:
yup, rolled into the carwash and forgot the radio was on, :mad: sucked my antenna right off at the base. i was planning on putting in a switch so it would stay down because i'm using XM radio and don't need it. well got the whole unit new in the box, just got to figure out how to get in there to replace it, and install the switch at the same time.


You can always just shut the radio off .......





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