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I want to test my cam position sensor and was wondering if you test it with the plug off of it and just put the meter leads to the 2 pins on the sensor or testit with the sensor pluged into the harness.I just want to test it before i geta new one.

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Well you can measure resistance, but that is just 1/2 the test. The other part of the test is the heartbeat test. You need to understand that these are hall effect sensors. When the metal tab on the cam passes the sensor it makes a small AC voltage. This is what your looking for. You should see the needle on the ANALOG meter blip. That goes the same for the crank sensor. You also need to go one half turn on the crank pully (one turn on the cam shaft) to make sure all the tabs are being read. I dont have my book infront of me (well i cant even find it) but one sensor has equally spaced pulses, the other has them grouped (1, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4).




PS Yes this can drive you nuts if its an intermittent failure.

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These give details on the reluctors, sensors, etc.:



There are errors in the "DirectIgnition.pdf" info -- in the "Ignition Coil Testing" section, the terminal numbers listed are reversed between the primary and secondary; however, the diagram is labeled correctly.

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i tested the cam sensor with the meter and the needle barely moved does that mean its bad? is the needle supposed to have a big swing or just a 1/8th inch?


Its a very small swing your looking for, so thats fine.



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