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Rear end Ratio (Zap or anyone who knows)


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The other day it snowed here, so just for the halibit, I locked it into 4wd, I came to an icy corner and the rear end seemed to be pushing me sideways this was the shakedown of the 5 speed converstion, so does that indicate the RE is not the same ratio as the transaxle I installed? I never even broke traction before in a subaru. :banghead:

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If you used the tranny I sent home with you, it will match the 3.9 in the brat. I put an LSD in that one, right? That would explain the tendancy to get sideways, especially if you were letting off the gas around the corner. Hard acceleration will do the same.


If the gear ratios were different between the two, everything would just bind up. You wouldn't be able to go anywhere. Probably not even in the snow.


Also, you would have a REALLY hard time on the freeway with 3.7 pushing those big 28s.

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Guest taprackready
Originally posted by the sucker king

so wait a minute, is the moral of this story here that an lsd is more likely to send you fishtaling on ice because the non spinning wheel is not there to resist the slide?

or is there something im missing


any vehicle with a mechanical locking device in the axle will have a harder time maintaining control on the ice. Vehicles with computer controlled allwheel drive are usually much better in terms of onroad traction and controll.


However, offroad is a different story and thats where limited slip and lockers and welded differential's shine.



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so ideally you would have an open diff in the winter and put the lsd in for the off road season (assuming you don't offroad in the winter).

i suppose that an lsd would certainly help you get unlodged from say a snowbank, though, anywhere that you might actually get stuck.

what about vlsd? i remember somebody gave a testimonial here about how great it was to have in the snow.were they blowin smoke?

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i rode welded diff in the rear for 2 years up the passes. you just have to relearn how you can drive. how you corner. and pay a lot more attention to how the traction to your tires feel.


this year i'll even have a front lsd to go with that welded rear. so i'll be even more careful. slow down a little in corners.


i've driven my dads truck with front and rear detroit lockers in the snow and ice. it's definately different. but in deep snow it's a lot nicer in the rear than being open. cause you don't just loose traction. a lot of the time you can keep going. and watch the open diffs slide. in actual snowy areas.

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I can only say it must be the short wheelbase, cause every car I own has LSD and have for several years. In 1977 I bought a new Jeep truck J-10 it had LSD rear and in the ice over overpases it would want to come around, fix, lock the front hubs.

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