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Loyale Wgn Woes

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Tapping in for advice, I`ve got a 92 Loyale wgn that this morning upon start-up showed the charge light and the brake light on the panel light up. It was a solid light on idle and when revving dims down to nothing. I`ve had this happen a couple of times before in past years and it would turn out to be bad diodes in the alternator. I pulled it out and took it over to Autozone to be tested and it tested good. The desk jockey suggested that I install it back and bring the car over to have a amperage load test put on it to check the alternator output and battery. Anyone had similar ailements like this in the past? Any suggestions on looking elsewhere in the system?

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My XT6 was /is a charging nightmare ...how did the plug look that went into the alt?They like to go down hill and can cause some issues...if it looks bad its easy to install a new one...just remember to cut the old one off far enough back to get rid of corrosion...also rememer which side is which. check for loose grounds also...basically check and clean all connections. Just my 2 cents..I am lucky..knock on wood...my Loyale has had absolutely no charging issues in the 4 years I have had it..but my XT6 made me a believer on all these connections,connectors,wire ground suggestions

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I checked connections and found nothing obvious. After re-installing the alternator and starting the car. I noticed that the idiot lights did`nt come on. Took the car over and had them load test and check for amperage output. It passed. Have`nt had anymore problems. Now I`m suspecting a short somewhere. I will have to wait and see. Thanks for the response back and good advice Bucky92.

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I had the Charge and brake lights come on when my crank pulley decided to come off the crank shaft. Perhaps your alternator belt was loose, or the connector wasn't making a good connection and removing and reinstalling it scraped stuff off. Checking connections would probably be a good place to start since those had to be messed with to take the alt out.

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used to happen all the time on old rabbits. if it happens again, just install a ten gage wire with a 60 amp fuse going from the alt to the bat, that should salve your problem nicely.


basically as your car gets older so do the wires and connections. lets face it...if you had to run from the alt to the starter then to the battery you'd loose a little juice yourself.

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two very real possibilities: first, a slipping or loose belt could cause the alternator not to spin, obviously producing a momentary low voltage situation..


But another possiblity (even though it tested good at autozone) is that the alternator is putting out a low amount of AC voltage from a single blown recitifier diode. Simple way to test for this, set your multimeter onto AC volts, and check the battery with the engine running. If you see any AC voltage, then get a new alternator, and feel glad that you found the problem even though their tester didn't. If you have a multimeter, I suggest testing this just in case.

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