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so i have been driving it on the freeway and when i push it to get to like 70 or so up hills or even on flat ground it starts to have trouble the power goes away and the engine starts to idel really rough while driving it so i pull over turn it off and start it back up and it was fine. i came out to start it up this morning and it wouldn't start everything turned on but when i went to turn it over nothing happend no sounds or anything. could both these problems be linked or are there two diffrent problems? my guess would be tranny and starter or something like that. any help would be awsome.

1994 legacy L wagon

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automatic tranny last service was honestly like a year ago.i don't know whe the tranny was last looked at i bought the car in september in nuetral it seems fine. the service lights came on once but only because the car died on the free way it just sputtered then had no power then died.

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so i have been driving it on the freeway and when i push it to get to like 70 or so up hills or even on flat ground it starts to have trouble the power goes away and the engine starts to idel really rough while driving it so i pull over turn it off and start it back up and it was fine. i came out to start it up this morning and it wouldn't start everything turned on but when i went to turn it over nothing happend no sounds or anything. could both these problems be linked or are there two diffrent problems? my guess would be tranny and starter or something like that. any help would be awsome.

1994 legacy L wagon

Had a 93 Leg L Wagon, had similar issues, going up a hill lost all kinds of power, then got to flat, same thing. Pulled it over and parked, wouldn't start. Turned over, but no go. In the end found loose spark plugs. May be something to look into. Not sure as to why they loosened up, but they did...

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Next time it happens put the car in NEUTRAL and try to start it.


If he can move the shift lever, the interlock is fine. It sounds like a bad Neutral Saftey switch on the start.


The loss of power is going to be a bit tougher. When was the last time this thing had a tune up ? What condition is the knock sensor in?



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i am gonna give it a tune up this weekend and i don't knw where or what a knock sensor is. i have been able to start it up now fine every time. i just hit the shifter console and it has been starting up ever since. when it was turned off and in park i couldn't move it into nuetral. i tried that to see if it would make a difference but i couldn't move it.

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i am gonna give it a tune up this weekend and i don't knw where or what a knock sensor is. i have been able to start it up now fine every time. i just hit the shifter console and it has been starting up ever since. when it was turned off and in park i couldn't move it into nuetral. i tried that to see if it would make a difference but i couldn't move it.


Ok that clarifies things. You have bad/sticky interlock. I bet that one time it was jammed. Learn how to bypass the interlock just in case it happens again.


If you do a search here, try the word interlock, you should be able to find it covered in some detail.



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but does that explain the engine going crazy at 70 mph? and rough idle when driving?


One thing at a time.


define going crazy at 70mph.


How many miles on this car.


When was the last time it had a tuneup


Have you pulled the codes yet?



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the engine starts sputtering and the rpm gauge starts jumping around like its barley trying to run so i pull over. it has around 127k on it. i am gonna give it a tune up this weekend what should it include(fuel filter, spark plugs, air filter oil change and what else?). what do you mean by pulled the codes? i don't think i have.

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the engine starts sputtering and the rpm gauge starts jumping around like its barley trying to run so i pull over. it has around 127k on it. i am gonna give it a tune up this weekend what should it include(fuel filter, spark plugs, air filter oil change and what else?). what do you mean by pulled the codes? i don't think i have.


So your not reading the responses to your own post




Thats from jamal


pull the codes from the car computer.


Also replace the ignition wires with OE wires.



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I suspect the problem you are having at high speed is due to a fuel delivery problem. If changing the filter doesn't help with this then I would check the fuel pressure to see if a weak pump is causing the trouble.

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the engine starts sputtering and the rpm gauge starts jumping around like its barley trying to run so i pull over. it has around 127k on it. i am gonna give it a tune up this weekend what should it include(fuel filter, spark plugs, air filter oil change and what else?). what do you mean by pulled the codes? i don't think i have.


Definately change the plug wires as well. They should really be changed every 20-30k miles. Yet most cars with 100-150K miles still have their original wires. My 93 Legacy ran like crap, stalling and sputtering, for awhile a few years ago. Mom was ready to sell it(this was before I bought it from her). We changed the plug wires and VROOOM! Also it's a good idea to change the O2 sensor.


Also is anyone else thinking maybe his t-belt or tensioner could be loose/skipping? Big loss of power there

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