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I've procured a radio harness from an '01 Outback (LL Bean), and was hoping someone could help me ID these harness wires so I can wire it in my loyale.


I really only need to know 7 of these wires for the loyale (batt power, acc power, left spkr [2], right spkr [2], and ground)


8 of the wires are twisted in pairs...






remaining single wires are...



B (heavier gauge)





Greatly appreciate someone telling me which of these harness wires match the 7 I need!

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Most radios and adapter harnesses have standarized wiring. If your harness is standard, here's the code:


Red 12Volt Ignition/accessory

Yellow 12 Volt Battery/memory

Black Ground

Blue Power antenna

Blue/wht Amp turn on

Black/wht Amp ground

Orange Illumination

Orange/wht dimmer

Brown Phone mute

Gray Right/front +

Gray/blk Right/front -

White Left/front +

White/blk Left/front -

Violet Right/rear +

Violet/blk Right/rear -

Green Left/rear +

Green/blk Left/rear -


You might find more information and available harnesses at http://www.metraonline.com.

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