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Hatch Spoiler for 97 Legacy L Wagon?

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I've found this post here:




But an ebay search turned up nothing and the other links provided by people didn't go anywhere. And what is a BG5 JDM? I get Japan Domestic Market - does that mean they're only available on Japanese models?


First off, was a spoiler a stock option here? Something like this




If so, anyone got one to get rid of? What should I expect to pay? Do I need to drill and put in nutserts? Any advice would be appreciated...

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i have one on my 96 leg wagon donor car. (it's sea? green) i don't know how it's attached. it's available if you are interested.


i considereed it for my outback, but passed. my solution was to just swap the rear hatch and then paint it. the only thing you'd miss is the outback logo. but i never even looked at how it was attached. could be easy.


I've found this post here:




But an ebay search turned up nothing and the other links provided by people didn't go anywhere. And what is a BG5 JDM? I get Japan Domestic Market - does that mean they're only available on Japanese models?


First off, was a spoiler a stock option here? Something like this




If so, anyone got one to get rid of? What should I expect to pay? Do I need to drill and put in nutserts? Any advice would be appreciated...

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OEM spoilers require drilling 5 holes in the hatch. I have one waiting for install. If you are getting one that is prepainted for the color your car had 10 years ago, be prepared that it will look a tad different, due to color fading.

JDM ones (BG5 is just a body code) have third brake light in the spoiler, while USDM do not.


There are also OEM replicas available, which are lighter than OEM and hold fine with heavy-duty double sided tape, no drilling :)

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