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ecs light on acceleration from stop?

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what would cause the ECS light to come on, accelerating from a stop, then turn OFF once i slowed down?


the 600 mile trip i took mustve cleared out the crusties and back to putting in new parts :lol:


oh yeah, and a creaking back end is the shocks right? i dont THINK wheel bearings make creaking noises :confused:


btw, car's an '86 spfi 3AT coupe.


codes came out of all checks combined: VSS, TPS, CAS.... argh but i've always had these codes


TPS checked out like it did when i reinstalled it, just fine, idle switch in it is OK


VSS... god knows what that is.. i KNOW what it stands for, but i dont know what it IS


CAS... i DID clean out the disty... may have to give that another shot maybe?

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VSS... god knows what that is.. i KNOW what it stands for, but i dont know what it IS

This is what my magical ball is gonna say the code is. Its your Vehicle Speed Sensor. In the dash, there's a sensor geared off of your speedo cable that sends the car's speed to the ECU.


Does you speedometer work? If not, that's probably the code you're experiencing. Although, you typically see it on all the time, and not intermittent.

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