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Allied Armament's old buy thread, you all got your stuff yet?

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Allied Armament is proud to announce that we are manufacturing a small run of parts for the Subaru market.

The parts included will be 15” EA 81 and 82 Wheels for the off-road enthusiast, EA 81, EA 82, and EJ Outback lift kits, EA 81/82 steel EJ to EA adapter plates, and skid plates for EA 82 4 inch lifts.

Prices are as follows:

EA 81 Lift kit 4 inch: $400

EA 82 Lift kits 4 inch: $375

EJ Outback Lift Kit 4 inch: $650

EA81/82 Wheels 15 inch: $300

EA to EJ Adapter Plates: $150

Skid Plate EA 82 4 inch lift only: $199

All prices are flat rates and orders are built to order so expect a 1 month delay in shipping from May 15th. Shipping is not included in the price.

To order please post below and I will contact you through pm.

Payment options are as follow: All Major Credit Cards, and PayPal.

For a look at our products please see our website at: http://alliedarmament.homestead.com/SubParts.html

Purchase dates will only be good from May 3rd until May 15th after those dates there will be no more sales.

Thank you for looking,

James Malarkey

Allied Armament www.alliedarmament.com

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  Allied Armament said:
EA81/82 Wheels 15 inch: $300


I like that it's plural... how many do we get for $300? still in choice of black or white?


and yeah, what about bumpers?




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do your lifts for EA81 still have the same design with round rear lift blocks and non guseted shock exstentions


mustach bar bolts need to be longer they have about a 1/4 inch of thread in the metal


There is a definate camber problem as well you need to adjust your angle cut on front strut mounts


if so I would spend some time on a redesign because round blocks shift and roll front to back and side to side


causing your mustach bar to bend and your drive axel in the rear to pop out making 4wd useless


also the blocks shift causeing the bolts to break and it destroys the mounting points on the car itself


also the round blocks are just small enough that they press them selves thru the sheet metal on the body making your car schrink each time you use it



I had to redesign the rear end and weld new 1/4 in steel plates for the new assemble to sit on and put new bolt mounts on the plates before welding them on to the body


So basiclly the old desigh has desroyed my brat if I did not have a shop or fab exsperiance this would have totaled my brat because the stock rear suspention assembly would no longer stay attached to the car


So fair warning


feel free to pm me with questions


also I sold three of these lifts to my friends from the first group buy

they have all failed from the same problems


This is not the first time I have discussed these problems with AA I spoke to ALBIE many times thier final answer on the problem was


"there is not enough money in the old suby stuff so we are not going to redesign"


Im not tring to start a fight here I just want everyone on the board to be aware I said nothing for so long cause AA stopped selling this stuff before it failed


I have only delt with ea81 and ea82 kits from AA


Ea82 kits have yet to devlope problems as far as I know ELTORO and ninja ben have used these lifts for a while


Thanks LT

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I'm interested in the lift kit and a front bumper for my 97 outback, and i'm wondering if mtnman's concerns would affect the outback kit. This is the first time I've attempted to raise my subie, since i'm already replacing the struts and springs it seemed like a good time to do it. Any feedback from the group would be greatly appreciated:Flame:

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Please send me redesign specs and I will make the changes for the next run on the EA 81 lifts. The EJ outback lifts have never had a problem their tuff so no worries there.




  mtnman38 said:
do your lifts for EA81 still have the same design with round rear lift blocks and non guseted shock exstentions


mustach bar bolts need to be longer they have about a 1/4 inch of thread in the metal


There is a definate camber problem as well you need to adjust your angle cut on front strut mounts


if so I would spend some time on a redesign because round blocks shift and roll front to back and side to side


causing your mustach bar to bend and your drive axel in the rear to pop out making 4wd useless


also the blocks shift causeing the bolts to break and it destroys the mounting points on the car itself


also the round blocks are just small enough that they press them selves thru the sheet metal on the body making your car schrink each time you use it



I had to redesign the rear end and weld new 1/4 in steel plates for the new assemble to sit on and put new bolt mounts on the plates before welding them on to the body


So basiclly the old desigh has desroyed my brat if I did not have a shop or fab exsperiance this would have totaled my brat because the stock rear suspention assembly would no longer stay attached to the car


So fair warning


feel free to pm me with questions


also I sold three of these lifts to my friends from the first group buy

they have all failed from the same problems


This is not the first time I have discussed these problems with AA I spoke to ALBIE many times his final answer on the problem was


"there is not enough money in the old suby stuff so we are not going to redesign"


Im not tring to start a fight here I just want everyone on the board to be aware I said nothing for so long cause AA stopped selling this stuff before it failed


I have only delt with ea81 and ea82 kits from AA


Ea82 kits have yet to devlope problems as far as I know ELTORO and ninja ben have used these lifts for a while


Thanks LT

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ok here's my order for 1 outback bumper with mounts for my round Hella Lights. Oh and a picture would be great when you get a chance. Actually it would be great if you would post some of the new pics you were talking about. People like to see what you've been up to :):banana: :banana: :banana:



  Allied Armament said:
If I can get five people interested in Outback bumpers I'll build them for $650 a piece. I wish I had a current photo on here of it with the light bar on it, it looks even better!
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The shipping for all lift kits is $40 its a flat rate.


The strut housing in the newer subaru are probably the same as the previous models as they had not been changed for 15 years. But who knows I don't have a new model around to check.

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Ok Thanks for the shipping price!!! Can I call you guys and order the lift kit, or can I only do it on your website?? One more thing, does the price of the lift kit include the Dampening Steering Rod??? Or is it extra like on your website??

Thank you again, look forward to hearing from you.:headbang:



  Allied Armament said:
The shipping for all lift kits is $40 its a flat rate.


The strut housing in the newer subaru are probably the same as the previous models as they had not been changed for 15 years. But who knows I don't have a new model around to check.

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Pinksock I'll have to call you wednesday as i'm doing gun taxes right now and I have to fly out to San Diego in the morning. My brother Just got awarded best chef of San Diego and he may be on the show next top chef!!! Keep an eye out for him Brian Malarkey (hey I got to promote him anyway I can).


On another note, boy it really seems like there's lots of interest in Subaru stuff these days! Where does everyone get their parts anymore? The one thing I really don't understand is why no one needs a skid plate? I mean there are at least a couple hundred Subaru's out there with lifts and almost none of them had a skid plate or if they did they were the ones that had the bar that made them bolt down lower and from what I remember they were always bending the bar area? It must be the vendor section its self, just no one frequents this area.


Were going to need a few more orders than this to even produce any quantity of these parts.

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Thanks for getting back with me, I understand that you are busy. Sounds good get a hold of me on wednesday


Thanks Tony




  Allied Armament said:
Pinksock I'll have to call you wednesday as i'm doing gun taxes right now and I have to fly out to San Diego in the morning. My brother Just got awarded best chef of San Diego and he may be on the show next top chef!!! Keep an eye out for him Brian Malarkey (hey I got to promote him anyway I can).


Were going to need a few more orders than this to even produce any quantity of these parts.

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  Allied Armament said:

On another note, boy it really seems like there's lots of interest in Subaru stuff these days! The one thing I really don't understand is why no one needs a skid plate?


I still need a skid plate, but I'm not wanting to take a chance on getting it shipped. Besides, you guys announced last year that you were getting out of the Subaru parts business. Not so confidence - inspiring.

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