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Some questions about air conditioning

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For that connectors: I think it's better to ask in the marketplace about it, perhaps someone just parted a proper car or is in the process of doing it. These connectors are neither heavy nor very big, so shipping wouldn't be that expensive, in fact it should be cheap. If there's nobody responding, perhaps we find something to make a deal between us :) OK?


No problem. I am not TRYING to make money off of you by any means; my first priority is helping you.. but tearing apart a dashboard, in the junkyard, in the summer heat down here is not something to do lightly. If it were to go easier than I am afraid it might, I wouldn't bilk you or anything.. the LAST thing I am is a salesman; I get screwed FAR more often than I screw people. My motto in life is "what can I do to avoid being a jerk?" :clap:

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