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Occasional stumble problem>EA82T

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Been driving the daylights out of my RX over the last weekend (just got it registered..sort of) and I've noticed another hiccup with it. Sometimes it will go all boggy for no reason, off boost and at any rpm/speed/gear combo, and usually from leaving a stoplight or such. And I can sometimes scare the stumble into going away (lol) by simply giving the shifter a tap in whatever gear it is in, or just taking it out of gear-rev-reshift. I have no idea why or what it's doing but I somehow think it could be related to the boost solenoids?? It feels like a 'fuel cut' situation, but it feels like it goes away if I get into boost.... I don't know. Any ideas or help appreciated.

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check your coolant temperature sensor.


they frequently get very corroded, the best fix is to bypass the plug and solder a wire directly to the sensor. the sensor is a thermistor, a probe that varies resistance through it with temperature. Corrosion on the plug adds resistance, which causes problems.


Im not a turbo guy, so I cant quote you on where it is, but search for "coolant temp sensor" or something like that and you should find a fix quickly enough; it may be in the USMB.

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mine has done that since i built it the first time around, no matter what intake manifold ive had on it, it very well could be the coolent temp sensor. i still need to replace that with the new one i have sitting in the glovebox,.

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Oog make something clear: sensor itself not necessarily bad; it connection to sensor that cause problem.


Oog hope this help you problem.


what've you been smoking/drinking? you make no sense :lol:

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On side note, Oog very disappointed that Oog no contacted about involvement in Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters. Oog need smoke now... AHH, FIRE!!:Flame:


okay, oog goes back into his box. Joost, its from a silly cartoon show called aqua teen hunger force; its on Adult Swim, a programming division of CArtoon Network. You can see it online, http://www.adultswim.com

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It's good information to know, Oog...I mean Daeron.

I'll clean up or re-manufacture the plug while I'm at it, but I'm the kind of person who likes to replace as many bits as possible after buying an old-rump roast

car (learned my lesson with the '90 240SX I have) so I'm also going to swap the sensor itself. Hopefully that cures it, or replacing the knock and O2 sensors.

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