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[...]Was more thinking in covering the cables with some steel mesh or duct tape.
Here are posts on the topic, and perhaps some ideas to help deal with the problem:



Since martens don't care for bright light, I'm wondering if placing some under-hood illumination might discourage them. Of course, if that just attracts them and they destroy even more, I won't be held responsible. :)

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Heh! We have a NEW problem like this every year. This year it's a Ballsy Coyote (Borrowed my Son's Pitbull!), last year it was raccoons in the garage attic. Year before it was RATS making a nest under my wifes engine compartment! She comes home at about 9pm from school. The rats would get dog food (From our own dog!) and pieces of things he had torn up, and made a nice Rats Nest under the hood of her Taurus. Lots of Nooks & Crannies for heating the dog food. I think they would crawl under there after she parked, cuz it was nice & warm! Well, she had to go back out 20 minutes after getting home one evening. As she started the car she heard a couple of Thumps! under the hood. She backed out of the garage, and shut the engine off. She saw 3 or 4 Rats scurrying away, and there were 2 cut in 1/2, and a third dis-embowled. She FREAKED!!! (I let the dog out, and he cleaned up the mess...)


Anyways, Peppermint Oil is the answer. All rodents are allergic to Peppermint. We went to the local Health Food store, and the Hippies there sold us a BIG Bottle. We poured a bit onto a bunch of cotton balls, and put them under the hood (After removing about 3 lb.s of food!), and anywhere a Rat could Weasel his way into the garage. That ended that problem. Now every year as it gets colder, we put out the Peppermint. Seems to do the trick! (It was more fun Shooting the Raccoons though...)



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