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1996 Outback OBD I or OBD II system?

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Maybe someone can help me.


My 1996 Subaru has always passed mandatory bi-annual smog checks with flying colors. No hitches until this time round.


Yesterday my teenage son took the car to a Speedee oil &lube service station for a smog check and although the car passed, the technician handwrote on the certificate some weird comments which may raise red flags at the DMV. Unfortunately, my son merrily paid the tech $90 without questioning the handwritten comments.


The station is now closed for Thanksgiving holiday. Perhaps someone can give me a clue in the meantime about the Technician's comments so I am armed with facts when I have a chance to phone Speedee lube on Monday.


Here's what the Technician wrote. He claimed that my 1996 Subaru was an OBD II system but that the "underhood sticker" said it was an OBD I. So he tested it as an OBD I and says he "lets it go," inspite of "car doesn't come on check engine light after start car."


What's this Technician talking about? For what it's worth, my car is not showing any check engine light after the smog test.

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The technician is a moron. All cars sold in the US 1996 and newer are OBD-II, and I am pretty sure that Subaru started putting OBD-II in their cars in 95. OBD-II (On-Board Diagnostics II) actually runs it's own emisssion test, so as long as that check engine light is off, it's good to go as far as the on-board computer is concerned. Granted, computers make mistakes but it's not all that common. Most faults will be picked up by the computer.

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  • 4 years later...

I don't know exactly what the tech was trying to say, but 1996 Subarus have a problem with OBD monitor readiness. From http://www.aa1car.com/library/ic50234.htm :


"Some import vehicles have readiness issues when it comes to setting all the OBD II monitors. Turn the key off on a 1996 Subaru and it will clear all the readiness flags."


Also, see page 18, "Readiness Codes", of:


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how long have you had the car, maybe the hood was replaced??


i replaced the hood on my 4 cyl 91 nissan pick up and when i took it in for exhaust work, the tech came out and said, it was a six cylinder, said so on the hood, and i ordered the wrong muffler.


it's unsettling when the guy you are paying to work on your car can't count spark plugs.

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this is an easy one for an ADD lame brain like me


tech says

"car doesn't come on check engine light after start car."


he is just saying there is no check engine light on when

the car is running

thus he passed the vehicle


what am I missing aside from some brain cells?

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this is an easy one for an ADD lame brain like me


tech says

"car doesn't come on check engine light after start car."


he is just saying there is no check engine light on when

the car is running

thus he passed the vehicle


what am I missing aside from some brain cells?



more eggnogg


I think he means the CEL does not come on when the car is in self test (of the bulb) mode.



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OBD I is a bad label too. Because before the implementation of OBD II standards, there was no standardized "OBD" systems. Every manufacturer equiped there cars with whatever type of dignostic abilities they decided. There would not be a label saying OBD I on you're car, so what the hell is the guy talking about?

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