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How interchangable are subie parts? Sooner or later my '97 brighton wagon will need new struts/springs, and I wouldn't mind a little better handling. Would GT parts work, or WRX? I'll listen to aftermarket suggestions too.



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a lot of stuff will bolt up but won't really work well. The fact that you have a wagon means you need something that is Legacy wagon specific or the rear will sag.


A good budget setup would be Whiteline control springs, which as far as I know are the only legacy wagon specific spring, along with some KYB GR2 struts. The whole setup will be a bit lower and stiffer than stock.

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I'm cheap and not-so-risk-averse, so I got used Japanese OEM struts off ebay, with stock GT-B springs and Bilstein struts. So far so good. Bilsteins are rebuildable, and springs are a lot stiffer than OEM on Brighton.

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good call. There are a few importers who might be able to get that stuff too. jdmpartstx brings in a lot of stuff but it's mostly new impreza specific.


I'd rebuild an 8-10 year old strut before putting it on the car though.

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good call. There are a few importers who might be able to get that stuff too. jdmpartstx brings in a lot of stuff but it's mostly new impreza specific.


I'd rebuild an 8-10 year old strut before putting it on the car though.

Yeah, I had that in mind, but thought why rebuild now, if there's a chance it is in good shape. I knew the milage on them when I was buying (~60kmiles) so I though I'd give it a shot without rebuild.

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GT wagon stuff would work but is only a slight improvement. If you really want a good setup find some JDM bilsteins. One other option is a set of KYB AGX adjustable struts with either Whiteline control springs or ground control sleeves if you want something stiffer.

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