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Found One Big Fault

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With the design of the XT6 to the design of my Loyale wagon...you cant fit shizzola in an XT6!!!! I am packing for the car show and am wondering where everything is going to go in the XT6....what were they smoking when they designed "trunks" ...Cant fit nothing in them:lol: between the tool boxes ( never leave home without at least one)camping stuff ( and I am bringing the small 2 man tent)2 chairs..food ..extra clothes...and the jack and stands the trunk is full...now I have to shove the cooler plus pillows and somehow shove a medium sized Aussie Cattle Dog ..her stuff..plus us into the inside of the 6...geesh!!!! Now I know why I have always loved wagons!!:grin: OH! Lordy Bee!!! I have to shove my detailing stuff in yet:banghead: :horse:

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:lol: yupper - them wagons are great for haulin stuff!

but the XT was made more for "lookin cool & goin fast" than hauling stuff (just MHO)


Good luck with getting everything in - you might need to apply some creative packing ideas here... :grin:

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you can fit almost everything you need in the hidden trunk compartments. i have an alternator, timing belts, ignition coil with FET, one each of all the timing pulleys, extra relays, fusible links, extra drive belt, tire plugs and tools...eventhough most of that stuff is new in mine it easily stores out of the way. i also have a real jack, they can also fit in the backmost compartment and tools. you don't really need many tools - 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 17mm some sockets, extensions, wrenches and screwdrivers and you can fix nearly anything that would be fixable that is.


but yeah, you can't beat wagons for their functionality. that's the great thing about it, you have both! i really like having the impreza OBS for that reason, easily throw-and-go with large items. i have a hitch as well, the XT6 can certainly pull more easier and safer than an EA82 once you have one of those and a trailer.

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i also have a real jack, they can also fit in the backmost compartment and tools. you don't really need many tools - 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 17mm some sockets, extensions, wrenches and screwdrivers and you can fix nearly anything that would be fixable that is.



Don't forget the breaker bar, and a 22 mm socket or you're screwed for doing the Timing belt.

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you want a pretty, flashy car, with go-fast, good looks, acceptable rain and snow handling, AND cargo space????


One word.







[photo harvested from the internet, not mine, not anyone that I know.]


You can fit all that in there easily. Dog included, but no Tommy... :grin:


Seriously, when my brother bought his miata, his Z became his "truck." I fit the automatic transmission from a buddy's camaro in the rear hatch once, just had to take out the spare cover because it would not have supported it. My brother used to go on camping and fishing trips, not to mention his two weeks visits down here to see his family, based out of his 280ZX, WITH his dog. no backseat. just a cavernous hatch area.


My Z is better for hauling stuff than my subaru, but that is ONLY because I have a sedan and not a wagon.

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Is very far away the Place you wanna go? ... Maybe you can Take the XT6 and your friend the Wagon too... :)



That thing remembered me the "Corvette Wagon", people at GM done back in the 80´s... They needed a Fast wagon to Haul Things & Haul rump roast Too... (Well, me too... That´s the Idea of my Yellow Wagon) ...so, they Used a Chevrolet Full Sized Wagon, with everythin´ from a Corvette... Engine, drivetrain, etc... it even said "Corvette" in is Back... I saw it an a 80´s Car & Driver mag... but that´s another story...

Good Luck! :burnout:

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