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So ive been helping my friend keep her 94 subaru legacy running. After a life of torture from an older cousin. First it was a blown out air strut so i replaced them all with springs and regular struts, then it was the alarm that went off and couldn't be stopped ( ended up pulling the alarm control unit and now its fine ) and finaly there is a small starting issue. This only happens in the summer time mostly and after driving around for quite some time. she would park the car and upon starting it again the car won't start, it won't crank over, nothing. Im stumped any pointers that could be giving. :-\

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there was also a thread last year about a sensor that would keep a car from starting. the driver found a solution, a cup of water on the front top of the engine, and then had the sensor replaced. the sensor was intermittent when hot. can't remember more.


pretty strange, try the starter contacts .

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there was also a thread last year about a sensor that would keep a car from starting. the driver found a solution, a cup of water on the front top of the engine, and then had the sensor replaced. the sensor was intermittent when hot. can't remember more.


That would have been the crank or cam position sensor. Intermittant no start after a hot soak is a classic failure mode for that type of sensor (not just on Subarus). However, if that sensor is bad, it will not prevent the starter from turning the engine over - it spins, but won't start because the engine conrol system doesn't have a correct timing signal.

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