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Brought a Tear to My Eye

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You know ..there are good cars...then there are great cars....I have come to the conclusion that my 92 Loyale falls into the great car catagory...I have been spending so much time getting the XT6 going and looking decent that poor old Bucky has been neglected and ignored...so today I decided I was going to spend some quality time with him...gave him a much deserving bath...and while washing him I came to realized how bad the past year has been on him...All my doing too...the rust has set in to the point I think it will be easier to replace his one front fender then try and repair it...again....new rust has set in in the back ....stains and chips in the paint...dulling his finish..OH! I am such a bad bad subaru mommy....I let my boy go....yet what makes Bucky so great???...Its the fact he never complains...he is always there when needed...starts every time. With all his rattles and shakes and no stoppy..he still will do his bestest to do what you ask of him....I almost cried when I realized what bad shape he is in..and its all my fault...I just hope he can forgive me cause now it his time...his time to be repaid for the 4 and a half years he has devoted to me. How can a little $600 plain jane FWD 5 spd Loyale be so special....And Why do I love this car so much?? Be prepared for lots of questions and parts searches..I want my Loyale back to his former glory...If I could bring that XT6 back..I can surely bring Bucky back.


Thanks for letting me ramble

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What do ya mean you don't follow her?? She's upset that Bucky's a little tired! Hey Connie i'm glad your going to make-up for all the year's! He'll be happy!:) And the reson he alway's start's and does what you ask is because he's a Loyale!



Nothing like a Roo!:headbang:


L8R, Tom.......

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I know how you feel Connie. I cried when I relized how far gone my Brat has gotten. You are very very far away from that. A little bit of time, the lil' guy will be good as new. If you need any misc. parts I found another yard with about 8-10 ea82 bodystyle cars there that I can scrounge through for you as well.

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Oh yeah! That reminds me, Hey Connie did i tell you about Rockauto.com? They'v got alot of part's Like Fender's, Hood's, ext....... Just thought i'd tell ya.:grin:


I too know how you feel, I want to keep my babe as long as i can:banana:


My dad say's it's a little under powerd but i love it! He just don't understand!:mad:

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hey just make sure you keep nice new spark plugs in him and thats all he will ever need. These things are great machines. *mud*on*my*face :lol:



LMAO..Lucky for me I have owned Buck long enough to know his quirks...one of them being plugs...they need changed at least once a year ( he is due) picking up new ones tonight and the rear shoes..might order the wheel bearings to..if not I will get them next week

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Yeah the EJ25 motor is cool, But the problem is my dad wouldent want to do it! But i love the EA82.:grin: Spark plugs should be change every year? Ok i'll do that soon!


I like the Loyale it's a great vehicle, He just still don't understand, He doesent beleave that a Roo can do as much offroad as a pickup or SUV.



From all the people i talked to, The Loyale/Leone/GL are great in snow and mud! 4WD or not! I'm happy with it!:):banana:

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Yeah the EJ25 motor is cool, But the problem is my dad wouldent want to do it! But i love the EA82.:grin: Spark plugs should be change every year? Ok i'll do that soon!



no no no....Bucky has a moody cylinder ( Number 3 to be exact) that runs hotter then the others and it burns out that plug about once a year...I am just used to it ...never really looked into why ...its not that expensive to change plugs anyway.


I love the EA82 also...I dont care what others have to say about them either...I love the ER27 of the XT6 for getupandgo...but that car envokes road rage I sware...Everything about the EA82 is awesome...whats not to love?? The boxey style...love it!..the room for such a small car...love it...the bad weather handeling even with FWD...love it!!! and the best thing????? FWD mixed with 5 spd mixed with good tune up ...fantastic gas mileage!!:banana: and best of all..if you have a wagon...you can haul a fridge in it!:lol: :lol: ..Thats why I miss my Loyale....plus ..like my XT6...there are not many left around here.

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Subarus are just special, with or without 4wd. ...


Yes! ... is True!!! ...

Both my Subie Wagons are just FWD! ... and I Love `em!!! :headbang:


hey just make sure you keep nice new spark plugs in him and thats all he will ever need. ...


Don`t Forget "Gasoline" Too, my Friend! :D


...From all the people i talked to, The Loyale/Leone/GL are great in snow and mud! 4WD or not! I'm happy with it!:):banana:


Me Too!!!

After 22 Years / over 250,000 Miles of Ownin` a EA82 Wagon, (My White Wagon is 1985 model, and dad purchased it since that year!) and Now Proudly Owning two Subaru Wagons with the Same Shape and Model, but with Different Engines (My Yellow Wagon is another Story...) and Also, after years of Repairs, Blood, tears, effort, etc... not only on my Wagons, `cos I help other people`s Subies, from Friends, and Friend of Friends... etc... I can Tell you that I Love my Subies, I`m Soo Happy with `em, and they are Really Great Cars, Really Great!!!

(Also, just for info, the Shape of the Subaru "Loyale" is Know also as the "GL", "DL", "OMEGA", "Leone" and even as the "Isuzu Gemminett II" ... depending on the Market Area; for More info, visit: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=53434 )

I Think it is a Good Idea to Renew your Wagon, I have the same Feelin` when I Repair / Improve \ Make Somethin` to One of my Wagons... I Can "Hear" the mute Scream of the Another one, askin` me to do that for it too... :-\ ...that must be a "Trapped Between two Loves" Feeling, but in a way, it is a Good Feeling, `cos it makes us to Maintain our Subies at it`s Best, and been Always Thinkin` in how to improve `em.

Good Luck! :)

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Yeah the EJ25 motor is cool, But the problem is my dad wouldent want to do it! But i love the EA82.:grin: Spark plugs should be change every year? Ok i'll do that soon!


I like the Loyale it's a great vehicle, He just still don't understand, He doesent beleave that a Roo can do as much offroad as a pickup or SUV.



From all the people i talked to, The Loyale/Leone/GL are great in snow and mud! 4WD or not! I'm happy with it!:):banana:



My point arose from my three month odyssey that just ended... trying to fix my car with zero money. I was forced to pocket a fuel pump and pressure regulator in a junkyard to try to eliminate fuel pressure as a problem, i beat my head into the ground, and in the end replacing my beautiful looking, 40,000 mile NGKs with some rusted, nasty fouled out plugs from my datsun that hadnt been run in three years, fixed it It was a joke on me, but the point remains valid. Never trust spark plugs half as far as you can throw them.

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Hey Connie! Hang in there, we've been working on the '78 every night after work til dark, for a couple of weeks, now. (Cooking dinner <I cook, not nuke> and eating at 9-9:30 bites... I get my second/third wind and am good to go til 3 am then awake at 5:30). This is getting old :(


Tonight, after we painted the engine bay, we pushed the old girl into the hut (it's quicker than letting her old bones warm up enough to drive :) ). She'll get primer tomorrow, fingers and toes X'd.


It's worth the effort kiddo... they bail us out on a daily basis... and that's why we keep patching them up.


BTW, are you coming to WBM? I need a "single strand" hair beader for a while at the kids tent. Yes, (in addition to her car fix-em-up talents) Connie makes THE MOST gorgeous dream catchers ever!

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Hey Connie! Hang in there, we've been working on the '78 every night after work til dark, for a couple of weeks, now. (Cooking dinner <I cook, not nuke> and eating at 9-9:30 bites... I get my second/third wind and am good to go til 3 am then awake at 5:30). This is getting old :(


Tonight, after we painted the engine bay, we pushed the old girl into the hut (it's quicker than letting her old bones warm up enough to drive :) ). She'll get primer tomorrow, fingers and toes X'd.


It's worth the effort kiddo... they bail us out on a daily basis... and that's why we keep patching them up.


BTW, are you coming to WBM? I need a "single strand" hair beader for a while at the kids tent. Yes, (in addition to her car fix-em-up talents) Connie makes THE MOST gorgeous dream catchers ever!


Thank You Mary...I want to come to WBM with my Bumble Bee XT6...but ..finances are not allowing it..I am 98% sure I am going to miss the Dragon too:(


And you are right about the effort...Yesterday we went over to the local diner ( I really need to grocery shop and like you..I cook not nuke :) ) I took the XT6 cause he was super low on gas and I wanted to fill him up..Got 3 beeps and waves from local NASIOC kids..but the best was this..I parked out of the way taking 2 spots...alittle later a 2008 vette parks beside me taking another 2 spots,,the owners get out ( they were younger )..stop..look at Rocky...go over and check him out! They then come in the diner and ask who owns it and I proudly had to give his story to them and the diner owner...The reactions were awesome when ..first..they learned it was a Subaru..then it was a rot heap just a couple months ago...AND ( this was the best part:grin: ) that everything but the floor welding was done solely by myself ..they even asked about the painting ..and I am honest telling them it was Krylon spray paint. I dont think I have ever felt so proud. My favorite line " You did that?? You?? a Girl??? Awesome!!!!" They looked at Tommy and he nodded and said..he is not a car guy..thats all her :lol: .


I cant wait to see your Brat...and I cant wait to get Bucky back in order....at least he will be easy compaired to Rock.

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could it be that the #3 fuel injector is a bit clogged making it run a bit lean in that cylinder? Just a tought cause i cant think of what else it would be.
loyale wagon's were spfi


yeah, it was kinda hard to watch the whole rocky ordeal,


goes back to silently lurking

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You know ..there are good cars...then there are great cars....I have come to the conclusion that my 92 Loyale falls into the great car catagory...I have been spending so much time getting the XT6 going and looking decent that poor old Bucky has been neglected and ignored...so today I decided I was going to spend some quality time with him...gave him a much deserving bath...and while washing him I came to realized how bad the past year has been on him...All my doing too...the rust has set in to the point I think it will be easier to replace his one front fender then try and repair it...again....new rust has set in in the back ....stains and chips in the paint...dulling his finish..OH! I am such a bad bad subaru mommy....I let my boy go....yet what makes Bucky so great???...Its the fact he never complains...he is always there when needed...starts every time. With all his rattles and shakes and no stoppy..he still will do his bestest to do what you ask of him....I almost cried when I realized what bad shape he is in..and its all my fault...I just hope he can forgive me cause now it his time...his time to be repaid for the 4 and a half years he has devoted to me. How can a little $600 plain jane FWD 5 spd Loyale be so special....And Why do I love this car so much?? Be prepared for lots of questions and parts searches..I want my Loyale back to his former glory...If I could bring that XT6 back..I can surely bring Bucky back.


Thanks for letting me ramble


The hardest part is when you have to "shoot ol yeller" so to speak.... I swore I would have my 87 GL nearly forever... got it at 215K and finally parted it out at 321 or something like that.... I would have to go look at the odometer in the garage. You can keep on making your baby live on just like I did. Unfortunately you may reach a point where you can sell off the parts for $1200, OR throw $1500 or more INTO it to make it work correctly again. It was REALLY hard to watch the wreckers put the forklift through the windows and carry the car off :dead:

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Unfortunately you may reach a point where you can sell off the parts for $1200, OR throw $1500 or more INTO it to make it work correctly again.


In the whole scheme of things, $1500. is short money to make a car worthy again. That's a just a "few" payments of many, many on a new one... besides, I'd rather put money into a devil I know :)


Connie, if it has tires or testicles, it's gonna give you a headache. (oh, oh can I say that out loud?)

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heck, I will come right out and say it.. the MUCH more common variant on that statement is "tits or wheels":banana:


Avast you, scurvy nave!! the battle of the sexes hast been engaged! :-p


Nah... actually 99.9% of my friends are male, always have been since birth, I do have one long-time female friend, but she got old on me :(


I have a few female acquaintences and I'm not at all masculine, I just have the same interests as men. I decided at the ripe old age of seven, I would become an offset printer... and I'm a damn good one :)

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Nah... actually 99.9% of my friends are male, always have been since birth, I do have one long-time female friend, but she got old on me :(


I have a few female acquaintences and I'm not at all masculine, I just have the same interests as men. I decided at the ripe old age of seven, I would become an offset printer... and I'm a damn good one :)


I am just like Mary...even though my bestestest friend is just like me pretty much...thats the reason we get along...But since moving to CT the friends have dropped off cause even most of the men here are pansey.And the women...OMG ..I got my nails done today..and tomorrow I am getting my hair done..you should see this cute little ( insert top line fashion designer name here) dress at the mall I have to buy...its only $400...ewww I can't get dirty...someone pump my gas for me I dont know how ARRRRRR:Flame: :Flame::lol:

Hey Mary...even though we have the same interests as the guys...we can cook like there is no tomorrow right?:lol::headbang:

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