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'84 GL weber update.

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i finally got my weber on! :banana: still got some fine tuning to do. not much top end power, actually seems kinda doggy past 50. was dieseling really bad w/timing set at 8 degrees. bumped it to 8.5 to a light 9 and it got better, still dieseling just not as bad. i'm going to bump it to a solid 9 degrees tomorrow and see what happens. i also think my lack of top end is due to it running too lean. i'll work on that tomorrow also. no vac leaks so i know i'm just at the fine tuning stage. i'm tired and i want a beer.

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ok got the timing set to a solid 9 degrees. dieseling is practically gone now, stilll does it every now and then and only for a sec. now i'll just focus on idle/mixture set up and hope that cures it. still got great bottom end response but top end still seems to be holding back. *sigh* :-\

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i finally got my weber on! :banana: still got some fine tuning to do. not much top end power, actually seems kinda doggy past 50. was dieseling really bad w/timing set at 8 degrees. bumped it to 8.5 to a light 9 and it got better, still dieseling just not as bad. i'm going to bump it to a solid 9 degrees tomorrow and see what happens. i also think my lack of top end is due to it running too lean. i'll work on that tomorrow also. no vac leaks so i know i'm just at the fine tuning stage. i'm tired and i want a beer.


Here are some Weber jetting settings for you to compare with:


Main (fuel)...............140.............140


Air correction...........165.............160


In the back of my Weber book it says that high-altitude jetting changes are as follows:

0 - 5000 feet, no change

5000 - 6700 feet, drop main jets by five (e.g. 140 becomes 135)

6700 - 10,000 feet drop main jets by five more (135 becomes 130)


No changes mentioned to air correction jets or idle jets.

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hey, things are looking good. i realize i'm not driving a race car. i swear my milage has gotten better. thats how bad my hitachi sucked.. just a matter of adjustment now. still getting some dieseling (timing should fix that) and a little bucking, again just some adjustment. i WILL move forward!!!

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The dieseling can be solved if you buy the fuel shutoff solenoid. Cant remember the part number, i believe Mick has gotten it. The timing may help as well, but it is not the cause. Also, a fuel pressure regulator may help things as well. I believe the Weber only requires 3.5psi of fuel pressure.



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