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Is it dead?

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It looks alot better then mine doeson my XT6..hope that makes you feel better:) ..I would try the POR-15 stuff to stop it from getting any worse...I am planning on having a new front frame rails fabricated and welded in within the next year....yours ( to me ) looks like it has another couple years left...unless you know how to weld then you could repair those. Plus since yours is a rarer ( is that a word?) model being the Diamond edition..I think it may be worth saving...or as everyone tells me ( but I havent listened yet) find a rust free shell and transfer all your goodies. Its all really..how far do you want to go ..how much work are you willing to put into it.Is it worth it to you!


This is just my opinion and it means nothing :lol: you are talking to someone who has well over $2000 into her XT6 and still hasnt gotten to the frame yet

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Thanks a lot for readin' and the words of encouragement. I'm just really discouraged at the moment, as my car requires a lot of work, and I have barely even driven it yet. Also, I am going to have to drive 140 miles to Chicago, potentially, to get to school every day, and I need that to hold together. I also kind of miss my sport-type car Celica, and have found a 1984 Pontiac Fiero for $300 that I may go for, but I do not know as of yet.


I can weld(rather poorly), but practice can make better, I'd guess. Also, something I forgot to say, every time I jack it up, it crunches rather badly.:(


P.S. I just noticed that this is a not rather flowing post, so I apologize, but I'm not a mood to correct it

P.S.S. I think "rarer" is a word, I've used it before

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No its not dead yet. Like sako said. Grind it down or use a wire brush wheel on a grinder to get it to fairly clean metal. Use some of the POR-15(it is one of the best things on the market for fighting rust) as the direstions indicate. Then prime the hell out of it. And procede to paint and ubdercoat the hell out of it. It has got a few good years left in it even if you leave it be.


If you want to continue the "race" of old gens like most of us do. You have caught it with enough time to save it. It will require some work and some spending, but IMHO its worth it to save a unique breed from the scrapper. There are some people on the board who harbor the attitude that they are not worth it(you know who I mean if you've searched some of the rust threads). But they aren't making any more of these things. Good luck...



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When you get that all patched up...you want to come over here and show me how to weld please??:) ... I am happy others agree that its still in the saveable stage..and I didnt get flamed for saying so...Dont forget...any of us who have to deal with rust...these cars are getting more rare by the day ..not saying every one has to be saved but some of the select models derserve a shot...If you cant fix it you can still stop it by what the others stated...gringding it down and POR-15.. Good Luck.


a fellow rusty framer:cool:

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I would disagree that that rust can really be stopped. Once it's in the creases and crvices of a unibody car it's all but impossible to stop it and restore the car.


BUT Honestly Zebisko are you really planning on returning this car to showroom mint collector material? That's not what you need from it. I've seen these soobies get much rustier and still be solid enough to drive daily. If you're ambitious you could reinforce some of the affected areas with some welding and patching, but I wouldn't keep "restoration" in mind while doing it. You just don't have the wallet for it as true restoration is very expensive, espescially on a rusty car with very little aftermarket body part support.


I'd say drive it, enjoy it, and spend the money and time keepin it running good. And for God's sake don't jack it from the rusty framerails. Lift it by the center of the front crossmember or by the rear diff/subframe.

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I meant putting the jack stands there. If I put them much further back the car will do a teeter-totter on me. No, I don't plan on returning it to show-room shape, but I will need a car for the next couple of years, and I wished to know if I should sell it now, part it out, or drive it 'til it dies.

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I meant putting the jack stands there. If I put them much further back the car will do a teeter-totter on me. No, I don't plan on returning it to show-room shape, but I will need a car for the next couple of years, and I wished to know if I should sell it now, part it out, or drive it 'til it dies.


I vote for the later. Try putting the jackstands under the ends of the crossmember.

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