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got car washed this weekend... had flashing brake light on the dash

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I took my 96 Imp OBW thru the car wash this weekend, noticed that the Brake light on the dash was blinking, not full brightness, nut none the less illuminating a bit. There was another light on the dash blinking too, may have been the AT/Oil Temp, but not 100% sure... It too was not fully illuminated...


I know I read recently a thread on something similar, no luck in finding it.


I had the headlights on, and I think I had the A/C on Max, and it was only blinking when the A/C was cycling. My initial thought is alternator (not enough amperage to drive all the electrical stuff while at idle and in the wash...) I've not yet had time to meter out the battery while running to verify 14+ volts... Will do soon. No other symptoms, or occurrances.


Any ideas ??

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It can.


Erratic Warning Light Operation (EndWrench.com)

When diagnosing a vehicle with erratic operation (flashing, dim illumination, etc.) of the handbrake/brake fluid warning lights, check the charging system and the charge light system.


The charge light system (which receives a ground through the alternator field when the alternator is not charging) is used to check the bulbs of the handbrake/brake fluid warning lights (and some other warning lights on select vehicles).

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I was finally able to throw a meter on the car this weekend. With it running (obviously) and got 13.2 to 13.4 volts with the A/C cycling.


I'm thinking that is a bit low, but not too bad.


What is the general opinion of the "fellows" of the board ??

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