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About to be a new Subaru owner.

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Hey all...


Im about to become the new owner of a Subaru GL Wagon. However i have some questions about the car...well the model in general. The owners say its an 89 and the Fuel Injected EA82 supports this. However the car has the older 4 headlight front end on it...then again the owners did say it had been in an accident and had the front end of another 'bu added to it so thats what i suspect is the reason for this...Other then those little bits what all do i really need to know about these cars before diving in head first into Subaru Ownership. The car in question is a FWD 5 speed.

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4-head lights is a good thing, I think it puts out more light then 2-light front.


Never let your engine temp. get into red zone.... eng. can't take the overheating stuff.


They are go getters and good to learn on, tinker with, bond with and cuss at... all in the same breath :rolleyes:


welcome and this is the place too be to learn.

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The 4 headlight style isn't nesscesarily older but from a ultra base model. The DL It had no power doors/locks, no split rear seat, no tach, volt,or oil gauge and the 4 headlight front end.


Someone may have added the light set up to this car? or it may actually be a DL? Or it may be some Canada model option GL:confused: . Many, including myself think they are better from both a brightness and ease/cost of replacement standpoints.

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Wasnt too sure if that was the cars original front end style or not given i knew it had a run in with a deer at one point. (the accident i mentioned in the first post) Now that i know thats a standard front end i think i know what one of the first upgrades i will be making to it will be. Prior to the Wave i had an 87 Cavalier Z24 and this car had the 4 headlights as well with H4 Housings in place of the standard ones. The GL will be getting these same kind of housings to make repalcement even easier. Now i know the car does require a front grille since all it has there now is a piece of black expanded mesh. What should i be looking for for replacement grilles?

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if you want a factory style grill you will need to get one from a model that had the four headlight setup - it is a different size than the two headlight versions. otherwise, if the metal mesh thing doesnt look too bad, leave it be.


things to look at / be aware of:

1. Timing Belts - should be done on the EA82 every 60,000

2. Cooling system - make sure everything is operating properly, in good condition and there are no leaks - aluminum engines do NOT like to overheated.

3. Oil Changes - keep up with the oil / oil changes. there is something referred to as "Tick Of Death" or "TOD" but it is rarely fatal as the name would imply. keeping the oil level up and changed regularly should prevent any symptoms

4. Suspension / Steering components - things like tierod ends, ball joints, shocks/struts - unless you can afford to buy tires constantly, keep these in good repair (also check wheel bearings)

5. the little switch on the top of the steering column - it turns on the parking lights - if your lights are on with the car shut off, check this switch. One of the great things about Subaru's is you CANT leave your lights on accidentally - they turn off with the ignition switch (unless the parking light switch is on)


These are great little cars that are usually VERY reliable, unless they have been neglected for a long time. I bought my 89 GL FWD 5spd (sister of yours) nearly 6 years ago (august) and still drive it - putting about 100 miles a day, 5 days a week on her - has 255,705 miles on the odometer as of today. She runs great, gets an average of 32-33 mpg on regular unleaded (now with up to 10% ethanol which has caused the mileage to go down slightly :mad:) and, according to the other half, i dont drive nice (ie: grandma) :grin: "Drive it like ya stole it!!"


Good luck with your new found obsession (yes, it IS an obsession!) any questions, this is the place to get them answered!

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The metal mesh grill would probably look better if it was spaced out to meet with the hoods edge i suspect. Gonna have to look into it other then that with it being recessed like it is it does give me an excuse to mount aux lights to the tabs from the original grille and have myself a rally style subie...

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Went and took another look at the Subaru today and found out that it is in fact a DL. So that clarifys things. I also found out it has a new clutch and clutch cable along with a new muffler and a pair of spare winter tires and wheels...all in all im thinking im doing alright for only $500.

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You know...we just need pics ..thats just how it is:lol:


Welcome to your new obsession...like heartless said..these are usually VERY VERY dependable cars...just dont expect alot of power..they are only around 90 hp..but dependability makes up for power...and the FWD 5 spds get great gas mileage..if everything is tuned right..good tires etc..you can get better mileage then these so-called hybrids.. My 92 Loyale ( same thing as your GL just in 90 they changed the name) FWD 5 spd has 203K ..has been known to get 40+ mpg highway....but averages between 36-38 highway..32 city. If you live where there is snow..nice snow treads on the front and its almost as good as the 4WD ones. I bought mine almost 5 years ago for $600 and I will not part with it for anything..So easy to work on and learn on.. I also have an 88 XT6 which is a blast to drive...fast and handles fantastic...but most of the time I would rather drive my Loyale wagon.

If you run into any problems this board is the BEST source of info..the members here are amazing and basically...will become family to you.


Welcome..now get us some pics;)

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I will see about the pics tonight. One thing im debating with the area i live in is the addition of a 2" lift kit since i know they are avalable. that shouldnt affect much should it? I plan on keeping the 13" wheels and around the same overall tire size so other then the lifted height not much should be changed.

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I will see about the pics tonight. One thing im debating with the area i live in is the addition of a 2" lift kit since i know they are avalable. that shouldnt affect much should it? I plan on keeping the 13" wheels and around the same overall tire size so other then the lifted height not much should be changed.


I wouldn't keep do a lift if you're gonna keep 13's. No need. You won't have any more clearance than you do now really. You could get a bit higher though by purchasing a set of 4wd struts and springs to bolt in. That'd put you about an inch or two higher than the FWD with no modification.

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About the only way i would consider going with anything other then the 13"s is if i can find larger wheels in the correct 4 bolt pattern. I have a set of 16" wheels on the Wave i also own with multi patterns but im going to have to check if the 4 x 140 pattern is one of them...hoping it is then it gives me a reason to look at other wheels for the pontiac. :banana:

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About the only way i would consider going with anything other then the 13"s is if i can find larger wheels in the correct 4 bolt pattern. I have a set of 16" wheels on the Wave i also own with multi patterns but im going to have to check if the 4 x 140 pattern is one of them...hoping it is then it gives me a reason to look at other wheels for the pontiac. :banana:


Not gonna happen with the vibe wheels... Wheels are sold with usually two lug patterns yours will probably be 5x100 and 5x144.3.


You can get chevy, toyota, nissan.... 6 lugs and redrill the hubs to accept 6 lug wheels, or redrill the wheels for the other two lugs...



Or puegoet wheels with the same bolt pattern will work without modification.

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Its a Pontiac Wave not vibe..the Pontiac twin to the Chevy aveo. I know the Wave has a 4x100 bolt pattern. But i have three sets of wheels for this car. One of which is a set of Elite Racing Wheels that are 16" that have something at least 3 or 4 different patterns on the hub. One of which is 4x100 but im not sure what the other patterns on the wheel are. What i may do when i get the DL home is pull one of these Elite wheels off and try fitting it to the Sube..if it works i guess im looking for a different set of wheels for the Wave.

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Its a Pontiac Wave not vibe..the Pontiac twin to the Chevy aveo. I know the Wave has a 4x100 bolt pattern. But i have three sets of wheels for this car. One of which is a set of Elite Racing Wheels that are 16" that have something at least 3 or 4 different patterns on the hub. One of which is 4x100 but im not sure what the other patterns on the wheel are. What i may do when i get the DL home is pull one of these Elite wheels off and try fitting it to the Sube..if it works i guess im looking for a different set of wheels for the Wave.



Redrilled 6 lug or Puegot wheels are your only options really. There were some 14" wheels in 4x140 made by Subaru for the European market, but they are exceedingly rare in the states. Theres a whole thread on here in the Off-road forum? maybe the in the USRM? search and you will find.

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kinda strange to see no roof rack tho! :cool:



My 89 GL turbo has no rack either. I think the popularity of Yakima and other types of aftermarket racks made subaru stop putting racks on except as an option. I like no Rack, better aerodynamics for MPG. I can put the Yakima on for my Bike or Board when I need it.

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they show up on Ebay from time to time. maybe other plcaes as well


the no factory rack look is ok - just saying it looks a little strange to me - out of the 5 wagons we have had out here all of them had the roof rack - just not real common to see them without one.

as for being "more aerodynamic for better gas mileage" - maybe, but i still got 33-34 mpg out of Hildy with a heavy foot and a rack....

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