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me and my friends were out driving and my buddy decides we should go jump his car(2002 wrx)...we hit this fat jump at like 85mph and jump about 50FT ad there was a turn right after.... and well......we didnt make it and rolled.....and heres the pic .......as you can see where ther roof is caved in is right where i was sitting.



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I dont know if I first should be happy everyone is OK and no one was hurt ( were they??) and second want to give you the MOM lecture for doing something so stupid.Looks like you Buddys parents will be paying for his stupidity:mad:

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  Bucky92 said:
I dont know if I first should be happy everyone is OK and no one was hurt ( were they??) and second want to give you the MOM lecture for doing something so stupid.Looks like you Buddys parents will be paying for his stupidity:mad:



no hes paying for it...with his wallet and his self esteem

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  crazy D said:
no hes paying for it...with his wallet and his self esteem


Good :) So no one was hurt right?..does show what a good design Subaru does have when it involves wrecks



sorry I just reveiled the mom in me

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From now until you prove other wise, the "D" stands for "Dumba$$" :mad: . Don't say "but I wasn't driving", you were in the car and just as culpable.

Take a look at this thread, two guys just having some fun.....



PS. I am glad you are both basicaly in one piece, please learn from this experiance.

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To All World Rally Wannabes:


In order to prevent post jump roll overs, WRX's require that huge double spoiler that comes on the Sti to prevent nose-down-roll-over-landings. Petter Solberg found that out when he damaged his spoiler and then proceeded to roll his WRX on the next big jump. There is a video clip someplace on the net that shows this. I'm also pretty sure that there are some additional suspension tweaks and aero mods that are required for safe(?) jumping... Not to mention a full roll cage....helmets...proper training...full medical and life insurance...


I'll spare you the usual, obvious admonishments about knucklehead driving but PLEASE STOP RAISING MY INSURANCE RATES ON MY WRX!!!:mad:


But seriously, I hope you and your friend learn from this mistake. Somebody upstairs is looking out for the both of you... Fools and children...

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you guys make it sound like it was my fault:dead: i was trying to talk him out of it the whole time because this is his 2nd wrx he has totalled in a year!!!!!!! trust me i didnt want it to happen even tho it was cool......oh and by the way daehttub2000 we did the jump just fine, it was the turn we didnt make so that applies to nothing:eek: :clap: :-p :slobber:

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  crazy D said:
you guys make it sound like it was my fault:dead: i was trying to talk him out of it the whole time because this is his 2nd wrx he has totalled in a year!!!!!!! trust me i didnt want it to happen even tho it was cool......oh and by the way daehttub2000 we did the jump just fine, it was the turn we didnt make so that applies to nothing:eek: :clap: :-p :slobber:


You need new freinds, or if he keeps this up, he (sadly) may solve that problem for you ....




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  Finsol said:
WTF were you thinking when you and your friend decided to do 85 and jump a car with street suspension? I'm really hoping this was a joke.


You deserve a Darwin award.


do you know how to F********KING READ!!!!! i said i was trying to talk him out of it and i didnt want it to happen. if you are going to try to make a point of someone being stupid, perhaps you should not be a dumba$$ while doing so. good job :clap:



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  crazy D said:
do you know how to F********KING READ!!!!! i said i was trying to talk him out of it and i didnt want it to happen. if you are going to try to make a point of someone being stupid, perhaps you should not be a dumba$$ while doing so. good job :clap:




First off no one swore at you, so no need to reduce yourself to swearing at us.


Secondly it doesnt matter. Ifyou were killed, you wouldnt have [posted this, and we wouldnt be sitting here scolding you for your own good.


Finally learn how to pull up an emergency brake. Learn how to pop a car in neutral. Learn how shut the car off from the passenger seat.


i was 15 once (or twice) and i NEVER put anyone elses life in jepardy by doing something dumb (only put my own in jepardy). If your freind cares so little about your saftey, its time to find new freinds.


No matter how much you say you were trying to talk him out of, no one can hear you from a grave.




On that note ill unsubscribe from this thread.

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  crazy D said:
  Bucky92 said:
Good :) So no one was hurt right?..does show what a good design Subaru does have when it involves wrecks


my friend Got a concussion but hes ok


Repeated concussions degrade cognitive and physical ability. Translation: don't ride with your friend anymore.


You did the right thing by trying to talk him out of it but if he's too much of a moron to listen to you, you need to find a real friend. He showed no regard for your safety. You don’t need “friends” like that. You’re just someone he can show off to. What has he done for you as a friend outside of driving like a maniac in his car? – this is a rhetorical question: I don’t need an answer but please think real hard about this one.


The fact that this is the second WRX he’s wrecked should tell you something:banghead: . How old is this “friend”? I’ll assume he’s no older than 17 or 18 because if he’s older than that, there is a real problem here.


When I was in high school, I had classmates who died in car crashes. However, the real tragedies are the classmates that survived and have had to live with their mistake for the rest of their lives in some permanently damaged physical and mental form. All kids your age think that they will “live forever” but think about how you want to live…


You can be smart and safe and still have fun. Find a local Sport Car Club of America organization where you can learn to safely test the limits of driving in a controlled environment (autocross).


IMHO, if you want a real cool adrenaline rush before you can legally drive, get into the amateur bicycle racing circuit (mountain or road). You can have the rush of speed, jumping, and crashing in a relatively safe environment. Go to the Tour de Nez in Reno on June 16th and see for yourself. Find a good spot on a 90 degree street corner and enjoy the carnage, er, fun:grin:

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If that was my kid...his next car would be a carbed EA82 AT ...no way he could pull a stunt like that with that car...


crazy D I hope you learned something...next time one of your "friends" wants to do something so stupid..tell them you want to watch...from the outside of the car... Heck when I was that age I did some stupid stuff too...and believe me I had way more car than a WRX to play with ( 71 mach 1 Mustang 428 CJ with blower ..500+ hp 1/4 miles in 9 sec etc etc) but myself and my friends kept it to the track.

I dont think anyone here is really yelling at you..but you are getting the brunt of it cause the your friend isnt here posting about it. Like I said..the most important thing right now is you are both basically OK

( I would still kick you both in the rear if you were my kid;) though)

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First off.... boys will be boys. We all gotta make (and survive) some dumb decisions earlier in life. That's how we learn, right?


Crazy, chill. If you really weren't at fault, then that's all that matters. Glad you're OK man. You might not want to hang out with the chronic WRX totaler though.


PS, a carb EA82 3AT could do the same........ it would just need 8x the distance to get up to speed:lol:

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It may be hard to understand now (wait until you have kids then you will understand). The reason you are catching heck over this is because we care about you!!. The last thing any of us want to see is another "We lost a member" thread in OT. Unless you were tied into the car and the door handles were removed you don't have an excuse, period. I'm with the rest, get a new friend. Later, tim

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