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Thunking noise in low speed turns

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Hey all, I'm having a problem with the front end on my 92 Loyale Sedan that I'm hoping to get some help with. It's a clunking / binding noise at very low speeds, 10mph and under. The noise sounds like it's coming from my passenger side suspension. The noise only happens only when turning, and has become more frequent in the last week or two.


The noise usually happens when I am going to park someplace, or leaving a parking spot. If I back straight up or pull straight out of a spot everything is fine until I start to turn, then the noise happens. It kind of sounds like a heavy metal vibrating clunk. It happens going forward and going in reverse. It dosen't do it constantly when I'm turning( like if I drove in circles it wouldn't go clunk clunk clunk, just one clunk when I first started to turn) and goes away again when the wheel is straightend out.


I've bounced the shock when parked and get no noises. I can turn the wheel from side to side when parked without the engine running and get no noise either. I replaced a ball joint on the passeger side a couple weeks back(the noise was happening before that) and gave it a good visual inspection and couldn't find anything.


I'd appreciate any help you could give.

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Sounds like the CV joint is going out. Check the boot, its probably torn and lost all the grease. You could probably still drive it for a while, but its not going to get better. Replacement is easy, theres a couple of online places to buy axles(which I cant recall at the moment)

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I had mystery clunking noises come from brake pads that are somewhat loose in there brackets. Espsecially if someone has put on cheap pads without the wear indicator tab, which for these cars also serves as a sort of preload device to keep the pads from shifting. Just a guess.


Perhaps play in a tie rod or a wheel bearing as well. I would not rule out axles entirely but I agree they usually make a repeating clunk with the movement of the car.

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If I back straight up or pull straight out of a spot everything is fine until I start to turn, then the noise happens.


CV joint. But just for S&G's, check to see if the axle nut is tight. Real tight.

How many miles on the car? If its high mileage, then I might consider suspension parts, but I'm sticking with the axle.

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Try to let us know what it turns out to be... I have a similar and it remains after swapping both CVs... I had even suspected motor mount(s) at one point. Let us know... :confused:


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