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94 Impreza LS Will Not Start?? Does when shifter is moved?

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Oh we got this 94 1.8L Impreza LS. My wife loves the car causes it got a tan interior. Not like all those gray interiors Subaru loves to use. Well anyway, sometimes it will not start in Park. If it is put into neutral it will start most of the time. Well except today that trick did not work. Sometimes it will start in Park if it is just left to sit a little while.


Is this the neutral switch? Where is this thing? Is it cleanable or adjustable?


I have a similar problem with my 92 SVX and the last few times it would not start in neutral unless I turned off the headlights. Gets me thinking it is not the neutral switch unless it is shorting out.........


Take care,


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Two items come to mind...


Switch and lock at the shifter handle (under trim) could be gooey, usually the cause of not releasing from park, and caused by spilled drinks in the center consloe. Make sure the plunger for the brake interlock is clean along with other items in that area.


Inhibitor Switch: located on the passenger side of the tranny right above catalytic converter just above pan, mounted to tranny case. Adjustment is possible where the cable meets the bottom of the shifter. The switch may be bad, or in the name of cheap repairs, simply adjusted.


Have you tried to wiggle shifter while in the start position while turning key?


Does it work in the entire "position" when in neutral, or just the top/reverse side or the bottom/drive side? If it doesn't work in the entire position I would go for an adjustment. BTW, doesn't your dash show the PRND321? Check if the lights change with shifter position, or are "off" a half-click, this would warrant an adjustment as well.


happy hunting!



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