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I have found info on bypassing this, and that it keeps the evap from freezing.


My question is wouldn't that damage something? Why would subaru put that sensor there if not?


Also, what is the part number for the replacement and can you get this part at autozone or checker, etc.

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Actually SUbaru doesnt put it there, its there by design on most AC systems.


If the coils freeze up, the ability of the coils to absorb heat is reduced to nearly zero. By cycling the compressor on and off as needed, it keeps the coils from freezing, and therefor keeps the car cool.


You wont hurt anything by bypassing it, BUT basically the flow of air will stop and you would have a very inneffecient AC system, not to mention all the fuel you would waste.



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From experience on room air conditioners where I have moved the thermoswitch from right in front of the evaporator to outside, what nipper says is exactly what can happen.


It happens mostly if the outside air is cooler than the inside air and/or if the inside air has high humidity. The evaporator will form a solid ball of ice on it and it takes a while at low fan speed to unfreeze it. (I moved the switch because sometimes the thing won't go cold enough so I put a little heater on it.)

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Thanks guys, not wanting to spend any $$ (I know, I'm a cheapskate) I just pulled the plug and put a jumper on it. I figure since I am in Colorado I don't have to worry about humidity and condensation as much. No problems yet, and the a/c now gets (and stays) nice and cold!

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how did you bypass the thermo-switch? I have a 90' legacy and have been trying to track down some A/C issues and the thermo switch and the A/C controls are the only two things I have yet to check... When I unplug the themo switch there are three terminals- which ones did you connect the jumper to? By the way, how difficult is the thermo switch to replace if it is the problem?

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  • 4 weeks later...
It can be replaced without opening the AC system




Do the national auto parts chains carry the item (Autozone, Pep Boys, Checker, NAPA, etc.) ? Do I ask for the switch for the Legacy or a generic item? Do photos showing the location of the switch exist (I tried searching this website on thermoswitch but no results).

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