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Ok I doubt I have this problem, if I did I'd think I'd know, but for the sake of asking what happens with torque bind? Sorry I know there is a lot of threads on this, but I am a busy guy and have about 10mins a day to look here. Also I noticed, my two front tires are not the same brand as the back two. They are all the same size and they are paired goodyear front, and mchelin on the back. I bought it from the deal this way, and have put about 3000 miles on the car so far, DO you need all the same brand tires to prevent any issues? Or is it ok to have a pair of the same tires on the front, and the same paired but different brand on the back? Same size also all around. Also how can i tell if the HG's have ever been replaced. I looked, and the gaskets stick out about a half an inch around the heads. Would that mean its the newer gaskets?


Also whats the deal which shifting into revers. No matter how far I push the clutch in, I have to grind it (slightly) to put it into reveres from a idle stop. Doesnt do this in any gear, is there some kind of adjustment I could do? Thinking back one day when it was really humid, It seemed like the cluch wasnt engaging enough in all gears. But that was a one time thing and hasnt ever done it since.

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Hi! Ideally yes all the tires would be the same brand and size. However, the real issue is tire circumference be within 1/4" of each other.


To check you need to get the wheels off the ground and use a thin blade tape measure around the tire. Even new tires can be off a bit in the circumference. Just because all the tires say like 205/60R16 does not mean they will all be within 1/4" circumference.

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Hi! Ideally yes all the tires would be the same brand and size. However, the real issue is tire circumference be within 1/4" of each other.


To check you need to get the wheels off the ground and use a thin blade tape measure around the tire. Even new tires can be off a bit in the circumference. Just because all the tires say like 205/60R16 does not mean they will all be within 1/4" circumference.



Thanks for the info. But what is the likely hood of developing a problem if the tires are more then 1/4'? Just wondering. I'll buy the tires if there not with in the spec. Cheeper then the latter.

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The further off one or more is from 1/4" the more likely it is to develop torque bind. The difference can cause a large enough differential between front and rear speeds to make the viscous clutch (MT's) or clutch pack (AT's) get hot or put undue wear/stress on them.

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