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clutch & vacuum Qs

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hey all-

2 questions for a 82 glw ea81


1) my clutch seems to be slippin' between 2-3. Recently rebuilt brake system (disc conv.) Is there a connection between the brake and clutch? Clutch is relatively new. Does the clutch need bleeding too?


2) put a neato/silly chrome round air cleaner on and now have a bunch of extra hoses and lines. Which need to breathe and which need to be plugged? I figure the valve cover hoses can get breathers (4 total) and the vacuum lines get plugged. there is only one line that seems to effect (raise) the idle when capped w/ finger.


the small new air cleaner was $12 from a local hot rod shop and I fab'd/butchered an ol' air pan (made a disc plate), looks great and gives great access to surrounding bits. even make a slight snarl sound, performance seems better?!


now to get rid of all those extra hoses!:headbang:



82 GLW (manipulated)

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I was tought to test the clutch - go up a hill at about 30 MPH, and then stick it in 4th. If she bogs down, then your ok - if the engine revs, then it's slipping.


No bleeding required (there's no fluids) - just replacement. If it's slipping - time to pull that engine. No connection to the brakes either. Completely seperate system.


Make sure your clutch cable isn't too tight. That could cause it to not release fully, and slip.



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Well - the vacuum lines I don't know - I would have to see it to tell you anything there. Depends on where they go.


Mileage on a clutch varies greatly with use, and who's driving it. Anywhere from 25,000 to 200,000 miles. They wear a lot faster driving in the city, or driving off-road. All freeway driving..... who knows how long it could last.... 300,000 - 400,000??!? Anything is possible.



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