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Roadside Maintenance

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OK. Seriously. When should I expect for things to stop breaking?


VERY long story short, water pump pulley and fan decided that falling off the car and bounding down the highway at 70mph was a good idea. Pluses: Didn't hit anyone with stray parts; didn't really like that fan anyway. Minuses: the violence of the whole thing broke the internals of the BRAND FREAKING NEW water pump; got stranded on the side of the highway where everyone is either too stuck up to stop and help, or don't read English enough to understand "PLEASE SEND HELP" or "I NEED TO USE YOUR PHONE". I hate Yakima.


3 hours of waiting and trying to make home made repairs is painful. Of note, You cannot make a temporary pulley out of anything plastic. Burger King drink cup bottoms included. The part that hurt the most was looking at the studs that were supposed to hold the pulley/fan on. One sheared off completely. The other three were almost gone themselves. When I get a chance, I'll post a picture, including one of what the old pump looked like, just for a comparison.


As of today, I have spent more money on repairs than what I paid for it. Kind of disappointing, really.


Two more things. Are 'ru's like salmon, wanting to head back to where they were bought and therefore driving happier? I realize that the entire cooling system got a big shock, but after a few miles it started running warm. The closer i got to Richland (where, way back in 1986-87, the car was bought and kept for 14ish years) the cooler it got in the engine, and the hotter it got outside. and 2, I don't know where, when or how, but I got a mouse in my car. Cute bugger, and quick. Saw him poke his head out from under the hood as soon as I stopped the car. Should I worry?


Czar "no response required, just needed a place to vent where someone could laugh" Mohab

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No matter how cute (and quick) that little mouse is, he's setting up house. Soon there will be lots of those cute little buggers running around your car. And using it for a toilet:eek: And when they die, thats where they rot.

Kill it.

The sooner the better.


And why didnt you go back to see if you could find your pulley?

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No matter how cute (and quick) that little mouse is, he's setting up house. Soon there will be lots of those cute little buggers running around your car. And using it for a toilet:eek: And when they die, thats where they rot.

Kill it.

The sooner the better.


And why didnt you go back to see if you could find your pulley?


I am now equipped with 3 mouse killing products. The pair of Hawks that roost here at work, the Owls that do the same, and mouse bait. I see him again, its dead. Ohhhh... there's the coyotes too... Hehehehehehe. Happy me.


:Flame: *MOUSE* :clap:


As to the pulley, the hill is about 2 miles up and 2 miles down. Fan fell out about 2 miles before the hill. It didn't give any indication that that was what it was. Pulley fell out going up the hill. Engine got hot, turned it off, coasted enough to peak and go down the hill. Again, I didn't realize what it was until I stopped. Thought it was rocks or some other less important component. That's all part of the long story that I failed to include.


Besides, there's things like giant bugs, semi-deadly spiders and snakes, and all kinds of nasties that live around where it popped out. I'm pretty sure it bounded into the grass that grows along side the highway there. Someone heading to Yakima before Manastash ridge (heading east on 82) that chances to see a fan and or pulley, its prolly mine.

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The pair of Hawks that roost here at work, the Owls that do the same, and mouse bait. I see him again, its dead. Ohhhh... there's the coyotes too... Hehehehehehe.


Gee.. any guesses as to why the "cute little bugger" decided to take refuge ion the soob?? :rolleyes:


Someone heading to Yakima before Manastash ridge (heading east on 82) that chances to see a fan and or pulley, its prolly mine.


Dear St. Anthony, we pray, bring it back without delay! :-p

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