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I am purchasing a 98 Impreza and I was wondering if there are any quarks with that year and style of wagon wagon or anything I need to keep a eye on?



1998 Wagon Style

2.2 L 4 Cyl



(And if you need any other info just ask)


Thanks in advance

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Hi! I was a little thrown off because your first post says 1988. A '98 Impreza wagon is not an uncommon Subaru AFIAK. Main things to check would be torque bind and that all tires match to 1/4" circumference. Also this year liked to crack the knock sensor. Other than that just keep up your regular maintenance.

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I actually had one with around 250,xxx miles. It was a 5spd. It got both a motor and trans around the same time but when I sold it it actually was purchased by someone in Colarado Springs. He flew out and then drove it back home. There are no real common issues with them, typical good running EJ.

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Another thought to remember is to be punctual with replacing the timing belt. The '98 engine is an interference engine and having a belt break will likely be very expensive. If you're not sure when it was last done, do it as soon as you can.

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