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How does someone like that get a ebay account also. Surely its like.. Just bad.


Unfortunately, not everyone that works over at eBay are experts in every field. They pretty much rely on the general public to report threats to buyers. And they DO take it seriously!


I have reported several ads that were sheer scams to eBay over the years and am glad for it... BGD's claiming that the part was painted and looking at the picture is bloody obvious and needs no intervention on anyone's part. Buyer beware.


The ads I talk about were downright scary... no matter where you clicked, you got the seller's email. I have to say, he probably "sold" that car a few times over... if he even owns it, to sell. Again, buyer beware.


As a side note: eBay pulled the auctions within 2 minutes of my reports... they are serious and diligent in their quest for safe transactions. Please click "Live Help" and report anything you think isn't legit.

No, I don't work for eBay... but I do love it!

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joking aside, nothing ever got that bad while he was here...


you once had a car in the realm of history when men were men- and his foot controlled the throttle. Today on earth where there is no thunderstorms, wind, rain, snow, ice, altitude, perfect oxygen, smooth roads and 70 degrees all year round with the "safe" feeling mentality of being on an island all by himself with his dream woman answering to nothing and feeding the world his fantasy version of perfection.

<really slipping out to lunch>

Six stars and 3 foot tall paranoid overthinking hermaphrodite is the true revelation... but noone can stop what comes from the fortressed island of deceit, and suffer and suffer and suffer, until the big dumb straight man of an American steps up with a three main bearing boxer with 2 liters, singular fuel injection, dual range symmetry AWD with a crazy thing called a throttle cable, opening the perfectly cfm'd intake with no bull*****, 2 valves per head, songle overhead cams,no airbags, engine tuned designed unibody and gets no glory due to the depression bad engineering collapsed upon his world over the decades of torture.




P.S. It did save the world however, anonymously, without a name...without a gun, without a war... kinda like a jesus story with a brain.


I seriously believe he has something wrong with him that is getting worse.. this isnt just stupid here, this is a brain that is getting more and more short circuited as time goes on.... It makes me wonder quite seriously if he may have a tumor in his head (I was only half joking before) or if he is on some sort of major dope. This kind of BS doesn't "just happen" and he NEVER Got anywhere near that crazy here; I am honestly somewhat concerned about him. Only as concerned as I could be about a complete stranger half a continent away.. but still concerned. I am bowing out on this thread out of sheer pity for the guy...This is not natural.

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I almost never post here, but I read regularly, and I have to say that I am in total agreement with Daeron - I really think something is wrong with that fellow in a true health-related sense. That nonsensical raving is disturbing. I'm kind of seeing, amidst the confusion, a bit of a "Walter Mitty" mentality emerging, and have to wonder where it is all heading. I think this guy actually has deveoped a self-notion that he is some kind of super-heroic defender of the three-main-bearing / painted-fuel-pump Wunderauto and he is prepared to charge into battle astride his roaring, snorting EA82 stallion to put down the EJ-infidels. Bottom line: I hope I never read a headline to the tune of "Maine Man Drives Into Crowd, Killing Eighteen - Blames Victims for the Advent of Five Main Bearings." Is an intervention possible?


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I don´t Understand What´s the Matter with the Yellow Colour... :confused: ...


... ...I've actually been thinking about painting the hatch yellow...


Nice Idea! :headbang:


wait a second. yellow paint adds horsepower. ...


Well... thsign0142.gif?t=1184628243I liked that one!!!


... ...OH!!!! and stop picking on yellow paint!!!!!!!!!! J/K..note to self..next time paint Rocky pink


... Pink?

Like This?:


Well... it looks Nice on the Impreza... Also, I saw a GL10 wagon in Light pink once...

But Yellow is a Great Colour! ... I Love It! ... th_thhappy0159.gif

Just look how it Looks on my Wagon!



...and I Painted it!

Well... at Least, I Like it! :burnout:

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But Yellow is a Great Colour! ... I Love It! ... th_thhappy0159.gif

Just look how it Looks on my Wagon!




...and I Painted it!



Well... at Least, I Like it! :burnout:


And when you dont want that wagon any more..you know I have first dibs!!!:grin: ( I LOVE that wagon!)

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I almost never post here, but I read regularly, and I have to say that I am in total agreement with Daeron - I really think something is wrong with that fellow in a true health-related sense. That nonsensical raving is disturbing. I'm kind of seeing, amidst the confusion, a bit of a "Walter Mitty" mentality emerging, and have to wonder where it is all heading. I think this guy actually has deveoped a self-notion that he is some kind of super-heroic defender of the three-main-bearing / painted-fuel-pump Wunderauto and he is prepared to charge into battle astride his roaring, snorting EA82 stallion to put down the EJ-infidels. Bottom line: I hope I never read a headline to the tune of "Maine Man Drives Into Crowd, Killing Eighteen - Blames Victims for the Advent of Five Main Bearings." Is an intervention possible?




I wasnt going to read this thread, but my curiosity got the better of me.


And now i have a headache.


About 10-12 years ago, a freind of mine moved from the NYC area to the uppermost part of central maine, where the only thing between him and canada were lots and lots and lots of trees (many many miles).

He said that there were some really "entertaining" and bizzare people up there.


Now i undertsand.



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And when you dont want that wagon any more..you know I have first dibs!!!:grin: ( I LOVE that wagon!)


i'll fight you for it :)




Oh my God! ... Thank You!!! ... but I don´t wanna sell it, ´cos I see both my Wagons as my "Brothers" ... or somethin´ Alike.

But I´m Glad that you Like my Subie! ... You´re Soo Kind!!!


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i dont mind over the top colorful bombastic writing, as long as the facts connect ...but man, what planet is he from?


And yes it sounds like he needs a physical at the very least. Sadly i have known of a few people like this, one has a brain tumor (he may have passed as we dont see him on line anymore) the other two have substance abuse issues.



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Sadly i have known of a few people like this, one has a brain tumor (he may have passed as we dont see him on line anymore) the other two have substance abuse issues.


I too think brain tumor or recreational pharmaceuticals. I work in security in a downtown area that's mere blocks from where the "homeless" hang out. It's very much like talking to a lot of them. I deal with them on a nearly daily basis - moveing them off the property when they try to sleep on the benches and in the alcoves, and confronting them when they are being aggressive or agressively panhandling. Argueing with them is futile, and about 25% of the time I have to get some form of authorities involved to take them away or tresspass them from various businesses.



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To Loyale 2.7 Turbo: Yours was the first yellow car I ever liked. It suits that car very well. Haven't seen a yellow hatch yet, so I thought I'd try it, lol. And where have you neen so long?



I too think bgd has something seriously out of whack...

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He might just be off his meds. I know that bi-polar folks can get this way.

Or he might just have a perverse sense of humor and he gets a kick out of trying to baffle people. But I dont think this is the case because he gets quite upset when anyone confronts him about his intelligence.

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