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Just put in the new rear struts on Pheebie the Imp...was simple enough...cept for the lower bolts being frozen on ( I hate having to get the man to loosen stuff like that for me)..and I know I need some ratcheting box wrenchs...but all in all..not too bad...the new struts are actually used ones..about an inch longer then what was on it..so now the rear sits high but not too bad..hoping when I feel like swaping the fronts out it levels it out ..since the fronts are from the same doner car.

Took her out for a spirited trip around the block ( I live in the boonies so ita all hilly backwoods driving..and she didnt bounce or make funny noises...handles the turns almost as good as my XT6 ( ok nowhere close to that good).Have to fix a rattling heat sheild yet and found the leak in the gas tank...may be able to JB Weld that.

I can't wait to get her all road worthy! I really like this car..was hoping for a wagon but maybe in the future

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  • 2 weeks later...
cept for the lower bolts being frozen on ( I hate having to get the man to loosen stuff like that for me


But thats why i keep getting reminded that men are allowed to breath on this planet.


Jars, nuts and bugs.





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Tim filled the gas tank with water (only after I pitched a hissy-fit) then brazed it.


He insists it would have been fine without the water. He brazed one on the car before, so I'm sure he would have been fine, being the "King of Junkers" in his youth. Fix it, or walk 15 or so miles to wherever he needed to get :)


BTW, did I mention that with some of the stunts he's pulled off that he has to have nine lives AND an angel on his shoulder? Me? Belt and suspenders all the way baby! I also stood by, armed with a fire extinguisher, like it would help in an explosion! Der!

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A story about fixing things with duct tape..... sort of


Envision a schoolbus RV with an auto tranny. The tranny dies, so it was rebuilt ($5,000). A year later, it dies again, and is rebuilt again -- this time correctly. Another 6 months later, it dies again and is abandoned for over a year. :banghead: Finally, we have it fixed again.... what do they find this time.... it's just out of fluid, and there's a piece of duct tape over a crack in the case..... the $5,000 piece of duct tape (it costs that much just to drop the tranny, take it apart, and put it back together and back in). Lets just say that if we ever find out who put that duct tape on there, they may find themself duct taped naked to the grill of the bus on the next trip.... :eek:

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