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Was just sitting there, hadn't been running for a couple of hours...


Looks like the pos from the battery to starter wore down and stupid me had it right next to the neg terminal... :rolleyes:


Lucky my dad looked out the window before it got any worse.

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One of the only funny things to come out of this was...

About an hour earlier I was telling my parents that I shouldn't work as a sparky as everything I do with wires I screw up the first time round.. Then that happened.. Think my car was saying "DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!"????

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Holy Handgrenade of Antioch!!!!!!!!


Dude!!! I FEEL FOR YOU, believe me.. something similar bit my Z almost three years ago.. I just yesterday "got around" to snapping some pics and posting her tale of woe up on the HybridZ forum, http://forums.hybridz.org/showpost.php?p=786856&postcount=1 if you care to read the book I wrote (or just look at pics)


That sucks, at least the hood was the worst damage. Could this be an excuse to try a rustoleum paint job? :brow:


Good luck rebuilding, post up if you need any help. Finding the cause of an event like this is not always fun.

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Neautralize the acid corrosives on all the nearby metal in the battery well quickly with lots of baking soda and water and rinse well after. No point in allowing a rust problem to come about because of the event there. :eek:

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well it was a bad day yesterday and I'm hoping today goes better. Our stupid pressure cleaner died so I couldn't wash my car, which ment I couldn't work on it to fix all the issues that arose while I was on a 4wd trip.. And now it's a little hard to move so I can't wash it there and can't work on it there.. So first up is a new pressure cleaner plus work on the wires and see if I can get it to a moving state. A new battery, plus all those other problems fixed should mean I'll be ready to go pick up my new toy I can also get a new bonnet for the Brumby. But for now I'm at a **** you stage with the subie.. So I'll see how I feel about it later. I guess really I'm more like **** me, as I was the one that made the mistake of putting that positive next to the negative...


But I've learnt a good lesson.. If you have any decent sized wires coming form your battery postive then make sure they are fused before they get anywhere near anything! I have a huge wire running to the back at the moment with new fuse or breaker.. So I plan on installing a circuit breaker right new to the battery for that. inbetween my battery and ammeter shunt. Then I'll only have to worry about the starter cable doing what it done this time..


I'd feel ok if I knew this would only happen while I was running the car. But the fact it just lite up hours after I had touched it freaks me out.. Almost want a total cut out switch on the batter terminal now!

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Dude, believe me, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling right now. the short version (no pun intended) of my Datsun story is, something caused a short, burnt out a fusible link that had been black in color as long as i had owned the car.. so i replaced that burnt out link with a black fusible link. (high amp rating, didnt think about it)


had a problem that night driving to the store; parked it, next day drove around and couldnt get problem to recur. pulled into driveway, walk inside, accidentally leave front door open.


Ten minutes later, the neighbor kid knocks on open front door as I walk out of the hallway. he says, "your car's on fire" and i shat a brick.


look at the car and i see my windshield wipers halfway up the screen like this, except with smoke pouring out from under the hood:



AND, I havent driven the car since that day 2 1/2 years ago. The fusible link block got burned, along with the wiring all the way down TO the main wire harness, but NOT into it at all.. so I lucked out there. It got as bad as it could get without completely destroying anything BUT the fusible link block, knock on wood.


the ONLY "silver" lining to this story is rather rusty and more grey than silver; since the car needed other things that I couldn't do to my daily driver, I parked it and fixed my brothers subaru, which is my GL-10... But the Z was my dream car and my daily driver for five reliable years. My first memories are in my dad's 240Z, etc etc, that car is one that I love and it came to me through sheer good luck.


I miss her. :(


Obviously your car is not one to fall into this scenario; my car got parked more because of the OTHER things it needed than because of the electrical problem.. But my point is, I have made the innocent, yet brutally stupid mistake and had this same thing happen. My buddy's little brother toasted his Camaro with a poorly wired amplifier; THAT is a little different because it was due to a sloppy job installing a major-draw accesory; not a single stupid wire, or a sigle stupid miscolored fusible link. (the one that should have been there had about half the current draw of the one I actually put in there.. stupid, stupid... why they classify the things by color alone is beyond me.)


Ugh, that was supposed to be the short version.. I suck at being "short and sweet," sorry folks.

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THAT is a little different because it was due to a sloppy job installing a major-draw accessory

Sadly I think that mine was the same problem, me being stupid and putting the cable in the wrong spot (un fused pos sitting on neg:rolleyes:.)


I blame myself completely, I'm just happy it wasn't any worse.

Also my brother and a mate are both looking at there extra wire installations and fusing/moving wires so they don't suffer the same fate.


My brother had a winch cable (can't really fuse that one) rubbing away at his brake booster reservoir in his diesel yota.. That could of turned out bad..

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My brother had a winch cable (can't really fuse that one) rubbing away at his brake booster reservoir in his diesel yota.. That could of turned out bad..




Maxi-fuses come in up to 100 amp ratings, and they also have even higher rated circuit breakers. These bits DO exist, but they aren't very common. a resettable circuit breaker might be best for the winch.. I am thinking about using circuit breakers to replace my fusible links rather than maxi-fuses.


I have done a bit of research on how to fix this kind of problem.. research is ALL I have done on the Z in almost three years now. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I don't know how much a winch can draw.. But I know it's well over 100amps. I'll have to look into it.


Because we live on solar and wind power only here I know a lot about breakers, fuses, low voltage wiring, and so on.. The spike the winch sometimes draws when it's working very hard might just break a breaker.

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I'm thinking about replacing the fuseable link box with a proper fuse box out of my Liberty (legacy.)


Anyone know what the fuse links are rated at?

Not offhand, BUT I do know that fusible links, regardless of manufacturer, are color coded. When the time comes for me to do the Z car, i was planning on checking the owners manual or FSM for color needed, and then a simple google search.. I have seen the info before in a million places, but when I checked my bookmarks I haven't got it in there. I know it is somewhere, though..


http://minimopar.knizefamily.net/electrical-links.html might help, but seems to think that these colors are applicable to chryslers and not necessarily anything else.. good luck, man. I am beginning to think that maybe auto resetting circuit breakers, or even better manual reset circuit breakers, might be the best way to go.. but the maxi fuses look pretty cool and thats difficult to turn down.. So I do not know how I will go in the end. Lots of options out there, really.


Good luck and don't be afraid to ask for advice or opinions on how you wind up wiring your Brumby back together.

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I got into it today and cleaned out all the burnt stuff.. It only just got my original loom and it will be ok to just recover it and not rewire it all.


I also got a new bonnet "popper" in cos the old one got burnt to a crisp, and that was after a mate broke it...


My dad and I are worried that circuit breakers for 100-150amps (being house hold type) aren't going to like the bumps.. So I'm still not sure what I'll go with. My dad seems to think a very well insulated wire from the pos to my shunt and then fuse everything independently after that, and thus replacing the fuseable links box. Nothing wrong with installing more fuses then I need I am thinking now...!

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I wouldnt use house circuit breakers, they are rated for AC, not DC power.

If you have alot of accessories, why not use a main cutoff switch? That would be the ultimate in peace of mind. Except when your running.

Just have to remember to use it evertime you shut the car off.

Properly shielded wires rated for the amperage your pulling will help from overheating. Do a little research on the net, there is a ton of info around.

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Phiz It should be pretty easy to car stereo shops or go online to find 12 volt circuit breakers, Maxi fuse, Agu fuse, or ANL which has the largest selection of fuses.. Maybe it is just caraudio thing but we dont EVER use the breakers without a fuse anyway.. I have seen pics of breakers not working properly and smoked half a car.. I am sure half the those are from new Bs though.




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  • 2 weeks later...
well shes back up and running.. need some more fuses but she'll live for now. I'm just using standard spade fuses, I figure it will do and it was the cheapest option really..




I am sorry, phiz... but I hate you.


I want my Z back, DAMMIT!


I am going to go sulk in a corner until I pass out now.

(I mean it, this actually made me kinda depressed.. even though if I HAD gotten my issue fixed so quick, I never woulda been a Soob'er..)

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Good point, but I forgot to clarify.. The house circuit breaker I would use is made for 12-24v DC (cos our house is run off 24v battery circuits.)

You've got an off-grid PV house?


The QO series of Square D brand regular house circuit breakers are rated for up to 50 volts DC, in addition to 120vac. I use them all the time on smaller PV systems, and also on subaru's occasionally....

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