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I don't know about the other models, but my 06 Forester has only ONE keyed door lock. So, the remote and actuators better work dependably. About four months ago, I brought my 06 to the dealership because the actuator in the passenger side front door was intermittenly failing. The mechanic was unable to get the actuator to fail, so no repair.

Last week, the acuator in the passenger side rear door completely failed. I was lucky, because the acuator failed at 35,131 miles, just inside warranty. Now that I had a "hard" failure on the rear door actuator, I was able to press my case for replacement of the intermittent unit in the front door.

The parts are still not here. I wonder if they're possibly in short supply because Subaru had a bad run of actuators? Anyway, beware of this potential problem, because I'm sure that they are not cheap to replace out of warranty. I'll be extremely disappointed if any of the other three actuators fail anytime soon.

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It seems that many cars have gone to only one keyed door, and some don't have keyed locks for the trunk or hatch. I was reading car reviews, and came across a story from a guy who had purchased a car with no keyed lock on the trunk. He left his lights on, and the battery ran down. His jumper cables were in the trunk. Without electricity, there was no way to open the trunk. Oops! Somebody didn't think of the unintended consequenses of this "feature".

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It seems that many cars have gone to only one keyed door, and some don't have keyed locks for the trunk or hatch. I was reading car reviews, and came across a story from a guy who had purchased a car with no keyed lock on the trunk. He left his lights on, and the battery ran down. His jumper cables were in the trunk. Without electricity, there was no way to open the trunk. Oops! Somebody didn't think of the unintended consequenses of this "feature".


Its done for anti-theft and to reduce costs. Bet his inside trunk release was electric. Sometimes i love cables :)




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