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Road Trip to Orlando

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So, I'm making a road trip to Orlando, FL from here in beautiful Golden, CO. Leaving the 22nd at 10PM, hoping to arrive sometime around 6AM on the 24th.


Not sure what car we're going to be taking, but especially if its my Turbo Wagon, can I get some PMs with numbers from people we'll be passing by? Would hate to be half way between home and Orlando and have a car break down with no help.


Here's the tentative route: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=golden,+CO+to+8001+International+Dr,+Orlando,+FL&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.495626,82.265625&ie=UTF8&z=5&om=1


Sorry guys, not gonna have any time to meet any of you as we pass by, I'd love to, but the band nerds I'm riding with aren't into my Subarus as much as I am :lol:


Also, anyone got any good short sights to see on the way? I'm wanna take any chance I get to take a break (I'll be driving most of the way... alas)

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