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I'm sure, with enough time, effort, and money, you can stuff any Subaru engine/transmission combo in there, but wish to point out that the farther away you get from "stock", the more reliability suffers, not to mention economy.


Me, I'm still sorting out my chassis, once I get the chassis where I want it, only then will I *think* about re-power.

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boy, that's an awefully open-ended question.


but...it's got a rather simple answer. since you didn't mention a budget, an EJ22k...350bhp from the factory. but, good luck finding one. only available in the 22b, only a handful made, and never imported into the US.




my point? this is an extremely common question, and everyone wants an easy answer. but there isn't one. fact is, the answer isn't the same for everyone. each person wants a slightly different final result from their car, and each person has a different budget, and different skills.


where it might make more sense for one man to buy a motor to put out the power he wants, it would make more sense for a different man to build one for less money to the same specs, because he has the experience and equipment to do it himself.



we can't tell you exactly what combination will meet your needs best, but tell us more about your situation, and we can give recommendations. give us an idea as to your budget, skills, timeframe, and desires, and we'll help as best we can.

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For simplicity's sake You could drop in an EJ22 from an Impreza or early Legacy. Mind you, I say simplicity, but there is the small matter of the ECU wiring.

Things get more complicated as you increase engine size/HP. For instance an EJ22t, you need to find room for the turbo & associated plumbing. Then there's the "big dog" swap of an EG33 from an SVX. This requires a lot of ingenuity, and careful application of a BFH to massage the body, for a proper fit.

Any engine can be stuffed into any car, IF you have the cash, time, and/or paitence.


Personally I'm waiting for someone to build a mid-engined EG33SC Justy:headbang:

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For simplicity's sake You could drop in an EJ22 from an Impreza or early Legacy. Mind you, I say simplicity, but there is the small matter of the ECU wiring.

Things get more complicated as you increase engine size/HP. For instance an EJ22t, you need to find room for the turbo & associated plumbing. Then there's the "big dog" swap of an EG33 from an SVX. This requires a lot of ingenuity, and careful application of a BFH to massage the body, for a proper fit.

Any engine can be stuffed into any car, IF you have the cash, time, and/or paitence.


Personally I'm waiting for someone to build a mid-engined EG33SC Justy:headbang:

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