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Hey all ...


Haven't posted here in a loooong while, but thought I'd drop in to say I just upgraded my 1998 Legacy Outback -- by trading for an '05 Outback L.L. Bean. It's only been a couple of hours, but I love it so far!


I was hoping to hold on to my older car for a little while longer, but I got the word that despite how solidly the car is, she has a little issue with the crankshaft bearings. Noises from the engine indicate they are starting to wear, and as I already spent some cash resealing the engine once, I wasn't interested in outlay a couple of thousand to rebuild the engine if the bearings wear out.


So, although I would have liked to sell the car for $4,500, instead I traded it for about $2,800 plus $19,000 for the '05 L.L. Bean with 31,000 miles on it but in excellent shape. I don't think it was a tremendous deal, but it was a fair one.


I'm a guy who likes luxury, but spends my weekends day hiking. A car like the Outback L.L. Bean that allows me to get around the "roads less travelled" but still gives me that luxurious feel is just about perfect! I started out looking at '04s, but it didn't take long to scrap that idea and pick up an '05 ... the new look is an exciting feature!!


Here's a pic:


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I think you're right, it's not a great deal but a fair one. It seems like the Legacies/Outbacks that are really good deals are flying off the dealer lots around here (I'm in Albany, NY) and sellers can get close to book value on cars in good shape.


Congrats :-) Having been in the Subaru market for the last month with only $3500 in my pocket, I am a little jealous of those of you who can go for a newer Outback.

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