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My dad's a supervisor for a cleaning service and he has this 70+ year old Polash lady working for the compeny! And she don't speak to much englash but she get's these chocolets form Poland there like little barrels and they have Vodka in them and there so good!! She eat's them all the time even at work! And he son's no better, He's got Polash beer in his car unopend of course but he's a good guy. He speak's pretty good englash.. And another thing Polash chocolete is great! Better then hershy!


I'm not too sure about your englash, but your Polash is really good.

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Yeah don't worry! I'm not a boozer! Hahaha! But if a sweet old Polash lady give you candy from Poland your going to eat it! I don't have any more, She only gave me 3-4. And i eat them withen 48h. So it's not like i'm takeing a bottle and suckin it down!


Oh! There was this other polash chocolete she gave me, It was just a Chocolete bar with hazlenut's in it!! SOOOO GOOOD!! And you can buy it here:mad: And then she made these Polash cookies! SOOO GOOOD!:banana::)


I gota move to Poland or Austraila!!! Both are a SUBARU contry!:headbang:

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It's "Polish," not "Polash," hokey-dokey?


The bug in your pic is a Katydid, which is basically a grasshopper with a custom paint job..


The Cicada (seventeen year critter y'all are talking about) is a fugly beast that looks more like a giant housefly than anything else..but they do make that nifty "air raid siren" noise when they come out to play..usually means summer's just about done for here in Michigan.

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